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"A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself."— Jim Morrison


Daryl could see Deanna's place. Rick had pointed it out to him earlier. As they neared, Remy let his arm go. "Alright, you're free," she said, "don't have to tow me anymore, I guess."

When they got to the walk, Daryl noticed a man standing on the porch. His eyes traveled up and down Remy. His mouth spread into a wide, tooth baring smile. Creep. Daryl instantly disliked the man. Boy, really; he looked young.

"It looks great on you," he said, looking only at the girl. "I knew it would."

"I'm sorry?" Remy asked him.

" The dress. I helped mom pick it out. She didn't know your size so I guessed," the man explained.

Remy squirmed a bit at that, Daryl noticed. He had had about enough of this guy. The man must have noticed too.

"Sorry," he said. "That's weird, right? I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, uh...I'm sorry, I can't remember your name."

"Actually, I never gave it," she told him. "How rude of me. Remy." She was always so polite. Daryl supposed that was a skill in itself. One he had never mastered. He cleared his throat.

"Oh!" Remy turned to him then. She patted his shoulder. "Daryl. This is Spencer. I was lost as a goose at the courthouse yesterday when he found me. He helped me find the library. He's Deanna's son. Spencer, this is Daryl."

Daryl wasn't interested in making friends with the guy. "Thought Deanna's son was that a**hole Glenn put in his place," he said. He watched his face then but it never faltered.

'Spencer' spoke up, all charm. "That," he said, "is my hot headed brother, Aiden." Spencer, apparently, was every bit the politician his mother was.

He moved down the stairs to stand beside them then. He extended his hand to Remy.

"Well, shall we head inside? Mom will be glad you made it," he said only to the girl.

She looked to Daryl then. He could tell she didn't want to go in, but he said nothing.

"You go ahead," she told Spencer. "I'm actually not one for parties. Think I'll hang back a while."

"But you're all dressed up! Be a shame to waste the dress."

"I may stop in later, you go on." She dismissed him. He finally took the hint and went back inside.

"Well?" She had turned her attention back to Daryl.

"Well, what?"

"Aren't you going in?"

"Uh..." It was dark now and getting chilly. "You ain't?"

"Nah," she said. "I mean, I'd like to see Jessie. Love to see what Maggie looks like all dressed up, but...I don't know. Don't really feel like partying right now. And we're gonna be splitting up tonight."

"Guess we couldn't sleep in Rick's livingroom forever," he told her.

"I know," she continued. "It's just. I heard there was gonna be alcohol. And what if that's what they're waiting for? And we're split up and..."

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