Too Close

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"Hope can see Heaven through the thickest clouds."
—Thomas Brooks


Remy felt like she'd been slapped. Her jaw hung open for just a moment before she closed her mouth and clenched her teeth. Emotion running wild through her. Wordlessly, she got up to rummage through her bag, the man's eyes following her. She turned her back and carefully, so it wouldn't rattle,  opened a small orange pill bottle. She discreetly placed a white, round pill in her mouth, and continued to fidget with the bag until her hands found her whet stone.

She carefully set the angle, and gave several pushes, then at the same angle, pulls.

"I didn't mean to..." he began.

"Nah it''s ok. I'm fine. It's getting late."


It was getting dark, but it was early fall, so it really wasn't that late.
I wish that I had so much more to give...
Her voice had broken there.

"Ya don't hafta—"

"I'm sure I will. Just not right now."

Daryl was curious, but he wouldn't press. Instead he said "So your dad teach you to make those?" He pointed in the direction of her little trap.

"Yeah. The tube and the snare with an L7 trigger. Wish I could have learned more from him."

"You wanna try and take the lead tomorrow?" He didn't want her to, and hoped she would decline, but it would help display any skill she possessed.

"I think I better not, they'd all starve." Remy laughed at her own expense. Daryl had noticed that though she laughed easily and often, her smile didn't always touch her eyes.

"Never did teach me that trick."


"How ya handled Merle."

She chuckled softly then, shaking her head as she did. "You know the story of David and Goliath?"

"Ya got a story for everything?"

"Most things." She was undeterred. "So king Saul has his army, and the Philistines have theirs, and they're facing each other 'cross the battlefield. And no one wants to make a move. So the Philistines send out a giant."



"How tall was he?"

"Taller than you. Depending on where you get your information. Most people think he was about 6'9". I have a cousin taller than that, but it certainly was abnormal. Anyway. So they send out this giant and say to king Saul 'look why don't we send our best against yours, and spare the bloodshed' and Saul agrees to it, but no one will fight against this guy. David was coming to bring food to his brothers. He was  just a teen at the time. And he hears this guy, Goliath running his mouth, about Israel's God. And David is shook. He's listening to this, and not a single person is going to shut his loud mouth. So he volunteers himself. A boy, with no armor, and only a sling for a weapon, against a mountain of a man, fully armored, who'd been waging war since before David was even born. But David isn't afraid. He's not afraid because Goliath is HUGE, but God is infinitely bigger. A Shepard slew the beast and the rest is history.

I say all that to say this: I could handle him because I had to and I did it with God's protection. Plus he was not exactly a giant."

"Think God could stop that knife on his stump from openin' yer throat?

"Well He did, didn't he? Is it opened?



They had traded off on sleep, and soon, dawn began to break. When it was light enough to see the trail, they followed it back. They found  plenty of animal sign, but not the larger game they were looking for.

Finally in the mud, Remy spotted a track that she didn't believe Daryl had seen yet. It looked a lot like a deer, but it was more rounded at the tip, and the dew claw marks weren't in line with the hoof, they were more splayed to the side.

"Hog." She whispered as she pointed to the print.  He looked at it carefully before nodding.

It wasn't long before Daryl spotted the wallow. He tapped her shoulder while pointing. There was more than one wallow further up. Remy had expected that to an extent. Hogs were smart and tough, and fast. Their reproduction rate was insane. They could eat anything. She remembered that in previous years, hogs alone almost wiped out the Arkansas turkey population, raiding eggs. If any animal could survive the roving nightmare of corpses, they could.

As she contemplated the hogs survival, she had taken her mind off the hunt itself

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As she contemplated the hogs survival, she had taken her mind off the hunt itself.
That was a mistake she would carry for the rest of her life.

Daryl, she noticed, was looking ahead of the wallows to the forest, likely checking for a path broken beneath their hooves. As Remy investigated the tracks around the wallows trying to find a clear direction of travel, she forgot to keep an eye on where she had come from.

The boar saw her before she saw him. There was no time to react. She grabbed her knife but couldn't swing before he hit her, knocking her into the mud. She felt a white hot pain and warmth spreading down her right thigh. The hog was turning. She was still on the ground. She prepared to stab it when it came back but she knew the next hit could be fatal. If the first one hadn't been....

It charged again, all beady eyes and tusks. She raised her knife in preparation, and suddenly the hog was on the ground, legs twitching uselessly, a bolt in its temple. Remy tried to stand up, but her vision quickly clouded, cleared, clouded again. Suddenly, she was looking at the canopy above. And then the lights went out.

Note: told y'all we would get a little more action here.

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