New Alliances

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"Hope is the feeling we have that the feeling we have is not permanent."— Mignon McLaughlin


Hearing the door open and then close with a soft *snick*, Remy, still dressed, pulled her boots on and hurried back down the stairs. She was in and out the door in a moment. Daryl was just ahead, walking with purpose toward the cells.

Before she could catch up, he went inside only to come back out quickly, pacing the outside. She caught up to him then, tugging his jacket from behind to let him know she was there. He whorled on her then and she barely had time to block as his fist flew at her head. She raised her arm.

The hit was hard. She felt like her wrist would shatter, but it didn't. He recognized her and grabbed her by the shirt collar.

"Tha hell're you doin' out here? Coulda killed ya," he hissed.

"Sorry, I heard you leave, and worried there was a problem..."

Daryl released her, and turning around, he trained his squint on the darkness surrounding them. "He's gone," he told her.

"Who is? Daryl what's going on?"


The man was a ghost. He hadn't left a trail to follow. Not that Daryl could see much of one in the dark. The group usually thought of him as some sort of tracking superhero. But he was still just a man. He just saw a little more than most people bothered to notice.

Remy was behind him. He hadn't answered her questions, there wasn't time. He had resolved to head over to Rick's and make sure they were all safe when Glenn showed up, Maggie not far behind. Daryl sprinted to Rick's as quickly as he could, the others on his heels.

The door was slightly ajar. Not many people in Alexandria locked their doors at night, but Rick did. More out of habit than anything else. Daryl moved in slowly and silently. Glenn shadowed him.

As they neared the staircase, Daryl saw movement. In one motion, he drew his pistol. As he aligned his body with the landing, he zeroed in on a beanie covering the top of a head of long brown hair. The sound of his gun cocking caused the man to spin around, and Glenn was soon on him.

A very naked Rick calmed down the volatile situation.



The others were having an impromptu council meeting just out of earshot in Rick's kitchen. Unsure of what to do, Remy sat herself at the table with the newcomer, who said his name was Paul. He winked at Remy and told her that all his friends call him "Jesus".

Remy chuffed. The man leaned closer. "So...your friends...are they friendly?"

"What makes you sure I am?"

"Not sure," he replied, and his smile widened. "Just hopeful."

"Paul's a nice name," she told him. His easy smile only dimmed slightly when Daryl moved to sit next to her at the table. His gun was still pointed at their guest.

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