The Point

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"Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst."
—Bible(NIV), 1Timothy 1:15


Daryl almost held his breath. He expected her temper to flare at that, but instead she took a breath, and answered Merle, unbothered by his filthy language.

"The point? Well, Saul probably never had a chance to be anything but a killer. His whole childhood bred hate for outsiders. And everything he encountered throughout his early life, that just helped to confirm that he was right. I mean. He was a man, and an educated one, and in his circle, people listened to him. He convinced a whole gaggle of Law abiding people that MURDER was God's will. And with every kill, he just became more and more assured that he was right. And then one day, on that road, something changed. Even if you're a skeptic, the man's change from Saul, murderer of Christians, to Paul the apostle, who traveled all over preaching the's compelling. And his work then? It did a lot of good. A lot of people were saved. Given help, hope. A lot of people who were oppressed by the romans. Desperately seeking a light in the darkness. So I guess what I'm saying is, that it doesn't matter where ya come from, or what ya done to find yourself here. It's never too late to change. Never too late to want better. Do better. Never too late to be saved. Be a light in this dark world. Saul was blind and his heart was humbled and broken. But it was still beating. Your heart? Still beating. That's all I'm sayin'."

Daryl waited. But Merle, for once, was quiet. His head dropped down as if considering what she'd said. He got up abruptly and headed for the tent.

Daryl was...shocked. He'd never seen Merle with nothing to say. He felt it must have been something about the gentle, yet matter of fact way that Remy had of saying things. Putting her point across. Like a dagger, cloaked with silk. She may not have any ill will toward anyone, but her words, that voice, her mind? They were dangerous. She spoke with authority. As if she were years older than his brother. Decades even. "Silver tongue", he thought. She spoke about being a light and he remembered that's what he thought when he first met her. That there was some sort of glow about her.

She caught him studying her and spoke.
"You can go on to sleep if you like. I'll keep watch." She gave him a reassuring smile, swinging her hammer playfully. He dropped his eyes back to his feet.

" 'S alright. Cans'll wake me," he replied.

"Still, you were the last one to sleep and the first one up this morning. And I'll be fine. I don't think I've slept more than 4 hours at a stretch since I was 7 years old. Insomnia. Go ahead. It's really fine."

With that, Daryl leaned himself back against a tree close to the fire. "Didn't go that far out this time. Should be back at the prison in a day or two. Drop ya there."

Her half smile was the only response she gave as she watched him. He wanted out from under her gaze, so he dropped his head and closed his eyes. He still couldn't believe the silence. She had shut Merle up. His lips curled into ALMOST a full grin.


The Dixon brothers were like night and day, she thought. Merle loud and angry. Daryl was quiet, and she thought, rather gentle. She was sure he had plenty of anger under the surface, but he hid it well, at least in front of her. Both Dixons were sharp. That she didn't doubt. They may be rough, and Merle was certainly rough, but they cared a lot for each other. She was sure.

When Merle woke from a full night of sleep, his stirring pulled her from her own. She watched as he emerged from the tent and stretched languidly.

"Well, mornin', honey! Like what ya see?"

He was trying to shock her, she knew, and so she didn't give him the satisfaction. Ignoring him entirely, she started the task of breaking down her shelter, packing her few tools into her backpack.

It was then that the man must have noticed his little brother's absence.

"Where th' hell he get off to?"

"Hunting. I think he mentioned tracking down a deer again. I told him I'd stick around to help you break everything down. He took Dax with him, though I don't know how he'll hunt with the galoot crashing through the leaves next to him."

"You stayed back to help lil ol me? You sweet on me now? Finally comin' around, huh? Knew you wouldn't be able to resist all this forever."

She rolled her eyes. She was getting used to Merle now, and while she'd still watch her back, she wasn't nearly as afraid as she'd once been.

"He's trying to go after a deer for his new 'family' at the prison. He's always trying to find a way to get those people likin' him. Makes me sick the way he runs around after that cowboy lawman. He oughtta know by now that Dixon and their kind don't mix."

"Don't they?" His eyes narrowed at her response, but she continued anyway. "I mean, don't get me wrong, I don't know Daryl the way you do. But from what I can see, he's loyal...honest...hardworking...skilled. He's a survivor. Why wouldn't those folks want him?"

"He don't belong with them! Belongs with 'is KIN, 'is blood." Merle looked close to breaking. It was a little frightening. She saw the chink in Merle's armor. Daryl.

"It shouldn't have to be a choice." She thought of her life from Before. Of her family, still out there somewhere she hoped. She stepped closer. Placed her hand on the man's shoulder and squeezed gently. "You can try. Try to make it work. For him." She dropped her hand has he stood there wide eyed and still. She wasn't sure what he was capable of, but she knew suffering when she saw it.

"So what? Just believe and be changed?! Is that it?!" he finally spat.

"As simple and as hard as that."

And then he stormed off.

Notes: Hey y'all! Don't know if anyone is actually reading this, but I'm having a great time writing it. It may be obvious, but this story is only loosely based on the plot line we all know and enjoy. I want the focus to be mainly on character development. The apocalypse is fun and all, but I've always found people to be interesting. Today is my birthday, so I'll try and get back at it on Monday! See ya then! And if you're enjoying the tale so far, feel free to vote and comment!

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