First Day

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"The only thing you absolutely have to know is the location of the library."—Albert Einstein


There was absolutely no way she would be able to sleep, with or without Dax there. She grabbed her jacket and knife and went downstairs. She was sitting on the porch swing when Daryl and Sasha made it in. Sasha went on inside, but Daryl stayed by the door.

"Thought you'd be sleepin' by now," he said.

"Yeah that's not gonna happen. I think I'll keep watch out here."

"Can't stay up every night. And ya start work wi' the kids in the mornin'.

"Doesn't change what we heard today. They're out there. And they're waiting."

"Guess not."


She kept watch on the swing. Daryl moved to the steps. They stayed on guard all night despite her insistence that Daryl sleep.

When dawn broke at around 6, she knew she had just 5 hours to sleep before it was time to head to the library. Daryl didn't bother. He just walked down the street and opened Aaron's garage door. He went inside to work on his bike.

People were starting to stir in the streets. Remy finally felt safe enough to sleep. She met Rosita and Abraham coming down the stairs.

"Busy night?" Abraham raised his eyebrows at her.

"Not as busy as yours, I'm sure." That earned a hearty laugh.

Dax woke when she entered her room. She patted his head, and though he was awake, he stayed with her until she was asleep. She slept hard until his bark woke her. He needed to go out. Luckily it was only an hour before she had planned. She got a solid 4 hours. She'd have time to shower and work her hair into something presentable.

She covered her fading bruise, then dressed in her black leggings and a 3/4 sleeve tee that must have belonged to the previous resident. She threw her utility jacket over it. She tied her bracelet on and tucked her ring. She considered strapping on her knife but she didn't want to scare the kids on the first day. Let them get used to her first. 

She left the house with 30 minutes til noon. Dax tried to follow, but she stopped him.

"You'll have to stay," she told the dog. "Wait here for Daryl or Carl to get back. Stay." He sat back down on the porch, but looked like he might bolt any minute. She sighed. That would have to do.

She made it to the library with minutes to spare. She had noticed that walking was easier today than it had been. She wondered if perhaps the hitch in her step was from scar tissue, undoubtably torn by her recent flight. If that were the case, things might go back to normal, unless new adhesions formed.

She sat behind the desk and a few minutes later, two kids arrived, a boy and a girl.

"Hey! I'm Remy," she told them. Let me know if I can be of any help."

"I'm Ron," the boy said. "That's Enid. We're just here to find a classic." He didn't seem excited. "Gotta do a book report. Due in a week."

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