NOTE (puppy pics inside)

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Hey y'all! You may have noticed I've been on Hiatus! My sister has been going through a particularly crazy time. She got Covid and on her way back from the antibody treatment, someone rear ended her. Her car was out of commission over a month before they could get it in the shop so I had to get her to and from her appointments and her girls to their various appointments.

After she FINALLY got her car back from the shop(supply issues kept it in there a while), she had a major surgery. So I'll be helping her with recovery over the next week and then I'm hoping to be back at it! I miss writing!

As you may have seen in the title, I got a puppy. 4 dogs is a lot of dogs for sure. But all of my babies are grey faced senior babies and they will be retiring from their guard duties soon. Especially Waffle. She's having a lot of trouble with her hips lately.

I've wanted a puppy for about a year now, but it never seemed like the right time. Not to mention, I'm a HUGE fan of Pyrenees. They guard purely out of instinct, with no instruction at all, and are incredibly gentle with kids and other animals. I knew I wanted my Pyrenees mixes to raise a good guard pup for me. Then I saw online that someone had an unwanted litter from their great pyr. Just as quickly as the post went up it was taken down. But many of the pups' homes fell through! She put the post back up, I begged my husband and here we are!

 But many of the pups' homes fell through! She put the post back up, I begged my husband and here we are!

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Her name is Beulah and she's a doll. My "labraheeler", Merle, HATES HER. He's extremely protective and possessive of me specifically, so he got pretty rough with her the first day we brought her home. No major damage done, he didn't break the skin or anything.

Now, a week later, he grudgingly accepts her as part of the scenery, but he doesn't love her the way Dax and waffle do. She mirrors everything Waffle does, and she already knows that Dax is the best protector on the place. When the other dogs get a bit rough, she just runs underneath him and he protects her 🤣.

I'm going to give training her a go. Generally Pyrenees aren't dogs you train. It isn't that they're dumb, they just may or may not be inclined to take direction. I can tell she's intelligent. She watches EVERYTHING. At 10 weeks old, she already knows her new name, and can fetch a bit. We're working on "sit".
I'm allowing her this first week or so to get used to us, the house, other pets, kids, etc. before I really start working with her.

I recommend if you're thinking of getting ANY large breed dog, that you teach "down" and "sit" well before anything else. And never encourage jumping. It may be cute when they're Beulah's size, but Waffle is 87lbs and Dax is probably closer to 120lbs. You don't want a dog that big jumping on a child, or elder, or anyone at all really.

 You don't want a dog that big jumping on a child, or elder, or anyone at all really

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I actually sewed a bed for her

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I actually sewed a bed for her. It's just a semi waterproof cover for her blanket:

She has a hand-me-down lamb chop plush from my dads bulldog and she snuggles it frequently

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She has a hand-me-down lamb chop plush from my dads bulldog and she snuggles it frequently.

She has a hand-me-down lamb chop plush from my dads bulldog and she snuggles it frequently

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Been trying to go out of my way to make Merle feel like he's still my best boi . He's having a hard time adjusting to the new baby 🤣
What's so sad, is that she would actually be a good playmate for him (Merle is 8, but still very active). She's got good social skills and is very gentle. She wouldn't be nearly as vicious at play as my mom's little dog is. That little dog is a menace! He literally rips Merle's skin wide open at least once every month or two! But Merle loves him and never even offers to bite him. He hardly growls. This pup on the other hand, he gives very clear indications that he doesn't want her near him!

I will say that all this sister time has been GREAT for my depression. There's no one I would rather spend time with than my seester. She taught me to knit too! I'm working on a scarf right now. It's cool cuz I don't have to focus on it the way I have to with writing.

 It's cool cuz I don't have to focus on it the way I have to with writing

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She's my built in best friend!

Anyway, that's what I've been up to! It's been pretty busy. Hoping to have more time at home to focus on writing soon. Thanks so much for your patience with me!

Be blessed!

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