Chapter 7: Dream of Shadow

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Author's Note: Chapter seven is out! I hope you are enjoying the story so far, please leave your comments and suggestions!

Chapter 7: Dream Of Shadow

Shadow's crawled across the wet cobble streets of an old English town, they grasped at the old buildings as if to swallow them and intern everything around them, whole. It was odd... you could have sworn you've seen this town before... but how? It didn't make any since... Unless... Was this from some past life of yours, is that even possible? Given what you un-life has come to so far?

The shadows around you seemed ever more corporal, as if you could reach out and touch them, like a truly black inky smog. It made you oddly sad, what had happened here? What made it seem so much like a hollow dead void?

You walked for what seemed like hours only to see more desolation in your path. The buildings seemed very old, but perfectly preserved all the same. It was haunting to look at and made you shudder.

"You think to enlighten them..." A loud hissing voice echoed off the walls of the buildings surrounding you. "You think they will see..." He slivered from the great expanse of shadows ahead of you from the deeper depths of a long dead town.

A massive obsidian dragon like snake with piecing red/gold glowing eyes and the sclera completely black, stared unnervingly down at you. It slivered towards you until it's massive frame was towering over you.

It shed it's body, turning into a man with long black curly hair, the same glowing red/gold eyes and a face so handsome it could put an angel to shame. He was still very tall, much like Val 'That horrid monster!' you thought remembering him even within your own dream.

'This had to be a dream!? Right?' you thought to yourself while craning your neck upwards to see that he has ram horns, both completely black against his all too white scaly skin. He wore a simple long black hooded robe. You felt brave despite the horrid nightmarish scene around you and this equally strange being. What could he do to you? You were dreaming...

The man leaned over to grabbed your hair in his long black clawed hand and twirled it between his fingers, lifting it up to his face and inhaling. "You smell innocent... like you aren't supposed to be in Hell." He emphasized the word 'hell' as if he known it all to well. "And my dear, your not supposed to be here, like a white rose set aside to wilt away..."

He let go of your hair and straightened up "They will come to take you away... from us. A light in the darkness... you see..." he said leaning over again to look you in the eyes. "They can't have the two mixing, it would make them look bad, upset the balance of things. And we must keep the quota..." He seemed to sneer with sarcasm.

You backed away from him in absolute confusion and fear. What was this man? Who was this man? What did he want? He took one long stride towards you, making it seem as if you didn't move at all.

"I want this to end... this never ending display of pointless conflict... of ego... one against the other... and I want to be on the winning end..." He grinned then, long sharp fangs protruding from his mouth and displaying his sharp teeth along with them "Your my key, my dear..." 'Wait?...'

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