Chapter 6: See Me? Now you Don't!

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Author's Note: Yay, chapter six! I hope you are enjoying the story so far, please leave your comments and suggestions!

Here are the keys for this story so far;

Y/N:Your name

(Yr/Drk): Your Drink

Chapter 6: See Me? Now you Don't!

You didn't want to be caught by these thugs, they seemed to pride themselves into thinking that they could acquire any person for their sick needs. 'Slavery...' you would be sold into slavery if you didn't do anything...

'I wouldn't let that happen.' you heard a familiar calming static voice in your mind 'Alastor?' you questioned, while feeling that prickling evil in your gut intensifying 'Yes, my dear. I was wondering if you could be telepathic, like myself.' you smiled, despite what was happening you felt safer already by just hearing his voice 'I'm always here, my dear and will be out soon!'

A thought suddenly occurred to you. If you could make yourself invisible like you did with the electricity arcing through your body from earlier... They wouldn't see you and would just pass you by...

You could try to fight them, but you didn't want to possibly destroy the building either with your electricity, if you could wield it the way you were thinking nor kill the undeserving in the process.

Looking down at your hand you tried to imagine that it reflected all light. Through intense willpower you forced that thought into a mental image that you made yourself hold in your mind and to your surprise and astonishment your hand disappeared, as if it was never there to begin with.

'They are coming, keep doing what your doing...' you heard your shadow demon say with urgency. A mental image of the Overlords nearing your position entered your mind. You continued to keep the mental image strong in your mind, but expanded the thought to your whole body. Though it was somewhat hard to do so, you were successful. Making it seem to anyone near you that you where never there to begin with.

They stop at the entrance of the hallway, your breath hitches in your throat. That horrible feeling of evil intensifies in your gut until it feels as if you would be sick. "I could have sworn they went down this hallway... Huh, maybe they left. We will see her again, I have a feeling." you hear Val say as he leans into the hallway, his hands on the wall.

"Val, we can have someone continue to look for her another day, lets get you some new suits!" Vox says with a ting of annoyance and impatience in his voice. You see Val's eyes squint as if he see's something, but straightens up to his full height and leaves with Vox in tow down the hall from whence they came. You didn't stop holding the image until their foot steps could no longer be heard.

You let an exhausted sigh out and clutched your chest. That could have gone badly, but thank god you could do that... What else could you do? Could you shape shift? 'Hmm...' You would have to test this out at home.

You hear the door next to you open with a genuine smiling Alastor. He seemed very proud of you "I should have figured you be like me, darling! Now lets go get this over with!" he said 'I was about to pull you inside the room with me until I heard of what you did. You did well.' his thoughts caressed your mind as he grasped you hand in his.

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