Chapter 3: New Beginnings

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Author's Note: Chapter three is out! I hope you are enjoying the story so far, please leave your comments and suggestions!

Here are the keys for this chapter;

Y/N: Your name

H/C: Hair Color

H/L: Hair length

(E/C): Eye Color

C/H: Color Horns

C/W: Color Wings

C/CL: Color Claws

C/F: Color Feathers

Chapter 3: New Beginnings

There is only darkness all around you and the feel of cold air, adrenaline blasting through your body and a feeling of someone holding you as you both fall. 'Wait... I'm supposed to be dead, why am I feeling anything? Why am I falling? Whose holding me?' but your mind feels to foggy to properly think, despite wanting to.

You hear muffled voices all around you as you fall. The whispers turn to wails of the damn, the sounds making your skin crawl. It doesn't feel right, what happened to you, where you are going... suddenly you weren't falling anymore and it wasn't cold.

You feel a soft warm couch beneath you and vaguely hear "She not supposed to be here!" a deep voice shouted "She's mine, I don't care what you say or what they will!" the sound of a deep radio static voice shouted back. 'Whats going on? Who shouting... Whats with all the voices...' you thought in a foggy daze.

The voices fade into nothing soon enough with the slam of a door and approaching footsteps  "Whaa... Just happened." you spoke gruffly. The feel of warm arms wrap around you, picking you up off the soft surface.

You cant seem to stay conscious, lights are fading in an out of your vision and you feel yourself moving. You get a sickening feeling of not belonging here suddenly... That you were going to be taken away... Everything fades into darkness as you slip from consciousness...


You wake up barley conscious in a semidark room, on a very soft bed. Warm arms wrapped tightly around you, a chin resting on your head. You can't move out of his grip, try as you might. You turn and see that its Alastor holding you.

So you cuddle with an extra pillow near you and try to go to sleep. Knowing that it would be fruitless to struggle. But before you drift off, you notice that its easier to see in the dark? Almost like it's day time.

A few hours pass and you wake up again. Your still wrapped up in his arms, but he seems awake this time and the room is no longer dark. You can hear the sound of his heart beat, his breathing, the shuffle of the covers, a owl hooting outside so intensely that it startles you.

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