Chapter 23: A Demented Smile...

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Author's Note: Chapter twenty-three is out! On most of the gifts, just imagine what ever. Mature Content Alert for this chapter.

I hope you are enjoying the story so far, please leave your comments and suggestions!

Here is the key for this chapter;

Y/N: Your name.

(Y/F/FL): Your Favorite Flavor.

Chapter 23: A Demented Smile...

You were now standing in front of the giant cake with your new family and Alastor. The crowd cheered as you took in a big breath and blew out the many candles on the massive cake to a loud applause from the said crowd of demons surrounding you.

You cut the cake to discover that it was Y/F/FL. You suppressed a moan from escaping your mouth at the thought. You had a sudden flashback to eating the same cake as a child with Lucifer, Lilith and Alabastien around you as you squealed, smashing the cake with your tiny hands, only five at the time.

You smiled at the memory, going to sit back down with your cake at your seat, your family following with their own cake slices. Soon everyone in the ballroom had a piece of cake, with an assortment of other deserts as well.

It was finally drawing to a close... an end to this long day and then you could relax. A sigh escaped your mouth before you took a bite of the decadent cake. Moaning despite yourself at the flavor that burst into your mouth. You had a plate of the other deserts place in front of you to try... and man were they good...

"Now, it's the birthday's girls time to open her presents!" Lucifer said in joyful voice. You gulped, looking towards the table... the amount alone... would take you most, if not an entire day to open all of them...

You stood up and walked towards the massive table, heavy with gifts of all sorts. Making you wonder how the table could bear the weight. Bastian was suddenly standing by you and started to hand you gifts, saying who they were from and reassuring you that they were all checked for security reasons.

You opened the gifts from your new uncles and one aunt. They were weapons mostly, beautiful daggers, swords and guns, all with deadly enchantments. Your aunt though gave you a wonderful set of makeup and perfumes, and other... womanly things. You bowed and thank them, with a genuine smile on your lips.

Stolas's gifts were an assortment of crystals and spell books, which made you smile. They would come in handy. You bowed and thanked Stolas. The other gifts were from the other Princes and Overlords. And they were almost to many to go through... you love opening gifts like any other person, but this was to much...

You were made to open all of them... with everyone's steady unnerving gazes... you were thankful... but that was... to many... gifts... which left your eyes swirling with exhaustion. Not only did you receive material items, but so much money. You didn't think that was legal... they were practically bribing you...

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