Chapter 22: When the Truth Shatters the World You Know...

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Author's Note: Chapter twenty-two is out! I hope you are enjoying the story so far, please leave your comments and suggestions!

I thought the song went with this chapter just enough that I'd link it. The song is called "'Change the Order' Lucifer Story/Cover Ver." By: PARANOiD DJ.

Be Warned; that the music video is graphic with some of it's visuals as well as gory sounds.

Here is the key for this chapter;

Y/N: Your name

F/FD: Favorite Food.

Chapter 22: When the Truth Shatters the World You Know...

A sudden chill and a sense of dread crawled down your spine as you looked up at Alastor as he began to speak once again to the crowd of demons "Myself and the current King of Hell have something to tell you all and what better time than now! When we have all of Hell listening and watching..." he said in what sounded like a fake joyful voice and twisted smile as you saw your father come forward, looking somewhat nervous.

"Yes... we would like to clear up the lore of Hell for all of the denizens of Hell. My Father... God as you would know him... isn't what he says he is... we don't really know ourselves... what he is... but what we do know is that he isn't God. God couldn't be this cruel... he's trying to project himself as a God to keep control... his perfect order... which is the one thing he is obsessed with having." Lucifer said with a loud, but heavily stressed voice.

"And the man who is standing next to me now... is really the one to have created hell itself. He is Alastor... or if you go by his real name is Alabastien. He died eons ago and at his death created the nine circles of hell from his very being. He is not a god... we don't know who or what that is... but he is the original King of hell and saw the beginnings of heaven being created..." at this point despite your fathers efforts to sound calm, he seemed to be failing.

You looked towards the crowd, all seemed to shock to do more than stare blankly at your father and then to the tall being standing next to you both.

Alastor let go of your waist and walked forward, rotating his shoulders and cracking his neck. His body suddenly started to grow, reforming into the man from your nightmare. The back of his head showing long black curly hair and ram horns, he turned towards your father and you with a grimace across his handsome face, showing off his white scaly skin. You could see the crowd of demons shudder with shock that fell across the room.

He towered over everyone in his old form with a menacing aura, as if doing so brought back all of those dark thoughts of his past. You never thought you would see this side of him again. You were still to used to seeing Alastor... then he spoke his voice sounding very alluring.

"You see me as I was long ago, back when this all started. I do not take this form on anymore, nor do I want to. At least not now. Now you have some proof of what your King speaks of. More will be released later as a public book and through other media forms." Alastor said, his expression looking grim despite the sound of his alluring voice.

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