Chapter 1 <3

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When I had seen the transfer to the B A U. I was beyond excited and confused. I would be the youngest profiler to ever be given a chance at the bureau, I'm nineteen. I went to school for psychology, Forensic psychology. I had always had a strong intuition, Saying I could "read" someone was a huge understatement. People had always judged me before they even heard a word out of my mouth. I stood at 5'0, big eyeliner, pack of cigarettes in my bag, ruby red lips, long black painted nails, Combat boots. The cliche rebellious teen, I made sure to look as professional as possible while maintaining my identity. If this was my team, they needed to accept me as I am. I wore black suit pants, white v-neck, skeleton patterned cardigan and my white Doc martens. I did my makeup and curled my hair. I grabbed my bag and walked to my car. The drive to the bureau was quick. I lived in a small apartment very close by after my relocation. I stopped outside for a smoke before I went in, I spotted a tall, long haired, skinny, handsome man, He walked over to me nervously,

"Hey um" he swallowed anxiously "are you allowed to be here?"

I smiled at him and showed him my badge. He tilted his head to the side "Oh so you're Lolite? The newest member of our team"

"Yep that's me, I know I don't look like profiler material" I laughed nervously.

"Appearances can be very misleading, I never judge someone based on their looks. professionally I mean" He had something in his eye that gave me butterflies.

"Come meet the rest of the team" I walked beside him, bodies dangerously close to touching, I turned to face him "what's your name by the way"

"I see you've learned some manners Lolite, I'm Dr Spencer Reid. You can call me Spencer"

He smiled reassuring me that his jab was a joke.

A very serious man came to greet us

"Hello Reid, Nice to meet you Agent Bardot. I'm Agent Hotchner." Two women walked over to shake my hand

"I'm Emily Prentiss, this is JJ." The women were intimidatingly attractive. A blonde woman with pigtails and bangs ran up to me.

"You're Agent Bardot right? I love your outfit and..." she began to ramble. Her name was Garcia. She introduced me to Agent Derek Morgan. A man she clearly had sexual tension with.

"Hello Agent Bardot, Great to meet you." Hotch walked over and said something to Reid.

"Well now that you have all met Agent Bardot. We have a case to work on."

I walked to a meeting room.

"This unsub is most likely a white male in his early to mid twenties, tall build, strong enough to easily overpower his victim type"

I quickly asked "what's his victim type?" I felt Reid's eyes on me.

Derek sat impatiently "Reid, this is your time, to you know speak" He laughed at him antiganiznly.

Reid stood up awkwardly running his hand through his hair. He was distracted by me.

"All the murders have taken place in Miami, Florida. He targets young teenage girls, they all have roses shoved down her throat post mortem. He keeps them for days. But he doesn't induce physical torture. Not until after death or when they're drugged."

"Let me guess a hemophilic necrophiliac." I said fidgeting with my rings. He looked at me puzzled

"I never mentioned sexual abuse Lolite."

"You didn't have to, I've seen the bodies, there's hickies post mortem. Not just that he's carved hearts on their thighs. But what I can't figure out is if he's a sexual sadist. And if he is, what he's doing has to be psychological.

I felt all their eyes on me "Well am I wrong?"

Hotchner rubbed his temple "No Bardot you just told us the profile to a tee, without reading it."

Spencer grabbed my hand to get me off my chair. I stood up and met his gaze. I caught JJ and Prentiss trying not to laugh,

"Bardot, how would you "wonder" if he's a sexual sadist after what he's done." Hotch said nonchalantly. I was determined to prove myself to this team,

Reid began to speak but stopped

"Sexual sadists get off on the pain they inflict on the victims. If the victim is dead or completely knocked out, the sadists don't get to see the pain."

Spencer slowly released my hands, my nails scratching softly against his palm. He cleared his throat

"Bardot is right, sexual sadists need to watch the pain of the victims not just see the blood or the flesh,"

I perked up "He could have hematolagnia tendencies." The team stared at me. Spencer was quick to feed them a definition.

"If someone is a hematolaginiac they are aroused or even simply excited by the sight of blood." I turned to look at Reid.

"Give me the medical reports please." I couldn't help but to lock eye contact with him when he handed me the papers.

"Here Lolite."

"Just what I thought, he drained large amounts of the blood out of the body"

"Bardot, how do you know they didn't bleed out?" I knew they had seen the crime photos, they knew what happened. But they needed to know what I was capable of.

"All five victims' cause of death was strangulation. I only knew that the bruises were hickies because they were meticulously placed on like hearts. And the only puncture wounds beside the thighs were small needle marks on the large veins on their upper arms." I needed to tell them something that they didn't know based on Spencer or the photos.

"This man definitely has an extreme problem talking to women. Or atleast women his age. He finds these young girls... he's.. he's grooming them. That's why no one saw a struggle or anything even slightly suspicious the girls got in willingly."

The team nodded at each other approvingly. I couldn't help but smile. The most intelligent and not to mention the most attractive man I'd ever met couldn't focus because of me and the team was accepting me with open arms. It was on my first day.

Hotch made a few calls and gave me the address of the airport. We would be leaving in a few days. Until then It was my responsibility to profile other unsubs of cases we'd work on when we got back.

I walked outside to have a smoke and I heard the slow walking of someone. It was Spencer. He walked up to me, clearly nervous. I couldn't even begin to fathom why he was so intimidated by me.


"Yes Spencer"

"Can I, uh" he laughed nervously "can I have your um... personal number as well"

I smiled all stupid at him.

"Of course babe, one sec." his breath hitched at the term of endearment as he smiled at me. I pulled my sanrio sticky notes out. I wrote my number with a little <3 by it. I know I'm very subtle...

"Thank you, Lolite. I'll call you." I stood up on the ledge I was sitting on to kiss his cheek.

"Okay Spencer I'll see you tomorrow" The little bit of affection made him a mess. It made me smile.

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