Chapter 3 <3

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The police at the Miami police department we're extremely accommodating. Probably because they didn't have any leads, and victims were going missing left and right.

I walked into a meeting room very similar to the one at the B.A.U. I sat down and Reid immediately told the detectives the profile.

Our unsub is most likely a tall, strong built, early to mid twenties, probably some minor things on his juvenile record, and possibly a sex offender." He turned to look at me.

'Oh, yes sorry, This man is hematolgniac and a necrophiliac. Not only that he's a hemophiliac. This means he's attracted to 13-14 year old girls. That's not the case for every hemophiliac but if you see his victims... He knows these girls. That's why no one sees anything. These are very vulnerable young women. Probably drug or family problems. He seems to be a father figure. He targets young girls with father complexes. He probably uses drugs, charm, and food to lure them in.''

I wasn't finished but JJ walked over to Emily and told her something. Emily looked disturbed. I tried to assume that it was just about the case, but my intuition never lies. I was quickly proven right, when Reid walked over to me and handed me a letter folded in half.

"Lolite, Where did you grow up?"

"Oh, I haven't thought about it since we've gotten here, but um... well here."

"Read that letter and then um... lots of questions."

To: Miami Police Department, B.A.U.


I haven't seen you in years, beautiful. You moved away after what I did to you. Five years later you left. You had to see me at football games, grocery stores. I always get so excited when i'd see you. None of these other girls are nearly as submissive to pain as you were lolita. Gothic lolita. I used to call you that behind your back along with slut. You've grown emotionally. But you still look like the same little girl. None of these girls have ever loved me the way you did. You're my prophecy. I wonder if you still feel the same. I'll find out soon.

My hands shook as I handed the paper back to Reid. I felt the tears welling in my eyes Gothic Lolita...

" Why now, Why now, I'm not even in his age range anymore. I don't understand" I choked on my words "I know this isn't professional I'm so sorry." Reid scratched my back.

"No one expects you to be professional right now." I grabbed onto his shirt and buried my face in his suit.

"Lolite, He didn't have an age range before he met you, that's why" He leaned down to whisper in my ear "thats why, i'm so sorry baby." I wiped the tears off my face with my black cardigan.

"My profile was so right, but I didn't wanna go there. I wanted to believe he didn't know what he was doing at the time."

He moved a loose piece of hair behind my ear.

"I know Lolite, I know. You're the biggest lead we have right now."

"I'll tell you anything you need to know, I've re-lived that experience over and over again. I can do it, Reid.

"I know you can, would you feel most comfortable talking to me about it?"

"Yes, but then trust me you won't think i'm your fate anymore" I said bitterly.

"What you did as a broken young girl... I'm a profiler. I didn't need the gory details to know something had happened to you, but now..."

"Now you do?"

"Yes LoliteI do." I nodded "I'll have to take you to a questioning room"

"Yeah that's fine, I just think it's funny that my welcome to the B.A.U. was a case about the man that ruined my life." I laughed bitterly. "I'll tell you everything Spencer.

"I know you will, c'mon."

We entered the questioning room. I smiled as I realized there weren't any "no smoking" signs.

"Thank you, I'm gonna need a few packs for this." He smiled and handed me a pack of Marlboro menthols.

"Thank you Spencer, I'd be lost right now without you." He smiled and then sighed.

"Okay, you ready?"

"Yes I am spencer"

"At the time of thee.." he trailed off

"I was groomed, Spencer. I consented even though legally I couldn't."

"Then technically you didn't consent, don't blame yourself. It makes my stomach hurt." I nodded "Lolite, I need you to tell me what exactly happened, did he have any "disturbing" sexual fantasies."

"They weren't just fantasies; he acted them out. He used to beat me."

"Like domestic?"

"No Spencer, I have masochistic-like tendencies." He nodded

"How old was he?"

"17, it started when I was 12." Spencer was trying to hold back his obvious anger in my situation. Unlike me, everyone expected him to be professional right now.

"What did he do to you?"

"We had a sexual relationship"

"Where he beat you?"

"Yes, that's right, that's not even counting the psychological damage."

"Like?" I sighed and lit a cigarette, hands shaking.

" He used to say I was like his um.. daughter."

"Did he ever make you-"

"What Spencer, pretend to be his daughter. Yes, yes he fucking did." He looked hurt

"Spencer I'm sorry, I'm mad I shouldn't be taking it out on you."

"I understand, im- I'd be mad too. Can you please describe your younger self to the best of your ability." I nodded.

" I was troubled, I had a bad relationship with my dad, that's an understatement... I wore pigtails, fishnets. I looked very similar to the way I do now. I was the same height. I smoked, lots of drugs. "No alcohol though. I hated alcohol."

"So what I'm getting is that he liked young girls that made him feel powerful, made him feel strong."


'What was his name?"

"Terry White."

"Thank you Lolite, you did great." he pulled out his phone and called Garcia "Garcia I need all the information on a Terry White."

"On it Sherlock" "Okay so we've got a record of multiple statutory rapes, sexual assaults, assaults, drunk and un-orderly behavior."

'No alcohol though. I hated alcohol."

" Thank you Garcia, any listed addresses?"

"Nope, but I have a license plate, im paging it you right... now. From what I can see it looks like he's liquidated all of his assets into cash. Not only are there no credit cards listed, there's no sign that he spends money."

"Well if I was murdering, i'd be off the grid too"

"They never make it easy do they?"

"Nope Garcia, they don't. Thank you, call us if you find anything."

"Will do."

I stared at him. "Does he still drive that stupid white SUV?"


I scoffed.

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