Chapter 5 <3

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“You’ll be my girl again Lolite. I don't plan on dumping your body.” 

“Was taking that girl's life not enough Terry? You need me all grown up too?* 

“Listen to me, you fucking cunt.” I sniffled as he raised a knife to my throat. “I've been waiting to do this a long time.” That’s it i’m dead, dead, dead. 

A sharp slash tore the skin on my cheek. The blood flooded down my face as he smiled at me. 

“You look the prettiest, bloody” I sobbed 

“Spencer, Spencer, please help me.” My voice cracked. 

“Shut up” he ran his thumb across my wound and sucked the blood off of his thumb. “Nothing’s been as worth it as this, my gothic lolita.” 

I shook as rage surged through me. 

“Lolita died in childbirth when she was two years younger than me.” I said bitterly. I thought by reminding him that I was older, I would remind him that he doesn't want me.

He scoffed “Lolite, It was never about the age, it was about you. Always about you.” He grabbed my arm and made a swift slash on my forearm. I started to scream and plead Spencer’s name. 

“If you’re trying to kill me, aim for the fucking vein.” I screamed at him. “I’m not as submissive as I was. I’m older and I'm different. I’m very different. You killed that little girl years ago. She’s gone, Terry.”

“I don’t care, Lolite.” he slowly leaned down and began to suck the blood from my open wound. 

“Spencer, He’ll find me, Dr Spencer Reid...

“What are you doing?” My vision went cloudy and everything went slow.

Derek rode with me in the squad car. 

“Reid, I’m not gonna let this sick man take her from..”

“You can say “me” Derek.” He slammed his hands on the wheel 

“Reid, you're not okay. You’ve been shaking in your seat, staring into space. So I'm telling you I’m going to bring this girl home to you.” 

“Okay, Derek, thank you.” 

The car came to an abrupt stop. I jumped out of the car. I heard the sirens wailing. But everything felt like It was spinning. JJ and Emily followed close behind me. 

“We’ll get her Reid, we’ll bring her back safe.” 

“I hope that’s true.” I took my gun out of the holster, and sprinted up the steps. Emily kicked down the door. And I ran in. Hotchner and Derek looked around the first floor but she had told me something. Something I had left out of the report. He had a small room in his basement. He let her decorate it. I ran down the stairs and kicked down a small door. She was sitting there, naked, bloody, and out of it. 

 𝓭𝓮𝓹𝓻𝓪𝓿𝓮𝓭 𝓹𝓪𝓼𝓽 ... 𝓪 𝓢𝓹𝓮𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓻 𝓡𝓮𝓲𝓭 𝓢𝓶𝓾𝓽Where stories live. Discover now