Chapter 12 <3

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I sat up quickly in bed. Spencer, where was Spencer. 

“Hey! You still there.” I tried to contain the shakiness of my voice. 

“Yes Lolite, just making breakfast.” I let out a sigh of relief. 

“Oh, okay. I’m going to take a shower.” 

“Okay Lolite.” The universe had blessed me with a hangover-free morning. So other than the small headache I had from standing up so quickly, I was fine. I looked into the large mirror above my sink. I looked dreadful. Black eyeliner was stained on my cheeks, and I was white as a ghost. I guess finding out your worst nightmare was still out there can do that to you. My hands were shaky as I turned on the faucet. I turned the water to a high temp and unwrapped the gauze on my arms. The wounds were large and nasty to look at. I shuddered remembering the swiftness of his knife. I stepped into the shower, longing for those few seconds in the morning where you can’t remember a damn thing. Ignorance really is bliss.... I washed my hair quickly and scrubbed down my body. 

“Agh!” I winced as soap hit my cuts. I stepped out of the shower and dried myself, wrapping my hair in the towel. I stepped out of the bathroom and walked to my room. My whole body felt weighed down, like my knees could buckle under my weight at any moment. My breathing was heavy as I pulled a simple black dress out of my closet. I grabbed a light pink cardigan. It was always so cold in the meeting room. I slipped the clothes on quickly. I did my makeup the best I could. Fingers trembling as I put on my lipstick. I lit a cigarette and inhaled deeply. I slipped my rings back onto my shaky fingers. I stepped into the living room to get my boots. 

“Good morning.” I smiled meekly at him. 

“Good morning, Spencer.” 

“Hotch told me we were not taking on any more cases until we catch Terry. I sniffled. 

“Okay, Spencer.” 

“There gonna tell you there was another murder when we get to the bureau. It had his signature.” I nodded. 

“Of course it does.” I scoffed. He walked over to me and handed me an omelet and a strawberry smoothie.

“Thank you. I don’t know what I'd do without you.” I sat down at the breakfast bar. I lived alone. I didn’t need a table. He sat down on the chair next to me. 

“We’ll catch him.” I nodded, not looking up at him. I finished my food quickly. 

“We should get going.” I sniffled and wiped my nose. He tilted his head to the side and looked at me, his eyes were soft. “Just allergies.” We walked to the car, his hand in mine. 

When we arrived at the bureau, everyone was staring at me. Not Spencer and I, just me. I hated everyone’s looks of pity. I walked quickly to the bathroom. My mouth went dry and it became hard to breathe. I hovered over the toilet. All the contents of my breakfast were staring at me in the toilet. I sighed and flopped against the stall door. I heard the fast tapping of heels. 

“Lolite, let me in please.” It was Garcia. My hands shook as I undid the latch on the stall. She kneeled down beside. 

“I’m scared Garcia.” She nodded and handed me a piece of gum and a bottle of water. 

“We’re going to get him.” 

“You guys will catch him when Spencer finds my decomposing body.” I whispered bitterly. 

“Lolite, please don’t say that.” She took my lipstick out of my bag and carefully applied it on my lips. She held her hand out to help me up. I grabbed it appreciatively. 

 𝓭𝓮𝓹𝓻𝓪𝓿𝓮𝓭 𝓹𝓪𝓼𝓽 ... 𝓪 𝓢𝓹𝓮𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓻 𝓡𝓮𝓲𝓭 𝓢𝓶𝓾𝓽Where stories live. Discover now