Chapter 8 <3

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“I almost don’t wanna wake them up” I smiled, staring at Reid and Agent Bardot. JJ and Emily came up behind me. 

“Awww” Derek walked beside me. 

“Hotchner, I’ll wake them up.” I nodded and walked with Emily and JJ. 


I felt kind of creepy just staring at them laying there. Her breath was ragged and he was holding her the closest he could.

“Kids.” I shook Reid awake. He mumbled

“Mhm… I’m getting up.” he ran his hand through her hair, pushing her bangs off her face. “Get up, we have to go baby.” She nodded and sat up. 

Reid was fast asleep on the plane, head laying on Lolite’s lap. She was playing with his hair. She looked deep in thought. I walked over and sat in the chair beside her. 

“What are you thinking about?”

“ I’m not sure Derek. I feel like I don’t deserve this. I should  be dead like those girls.”

“You were almost murdered by a necrophiliac who ruined your childhood. You deserve something good.”

“Do you feel like I’m moving too fast? With my job, with Reid? When he was laying beside me last night I wanted to say “I love you” but what if I’m wrong.”

“Lolite, you have time. Right now just enjoy the happiness you deserve.”

“Thank you” I smiled. “I’m gonna have a smoke.” Derek laughed. 

“I’m surprised you haven’t had one yet.” 


I looked down at Spencer. 

“I didn’t want to wake him up.” Reid stretched and turned to look at me. 

“Six minutes” he mumbled. 

“Every cigarette, six minutes you don’t get to spend with me.” I rolled my eyes. 

“Are you gonna come with me or not?” He smiled at me and lifted himself off the couch. I grabbed my bag, and walked with him. I pulled open the small sliding door and went inside. I had never liked small spaces much. I felt safe here though. 

“I’ve been um…” He trailed off. “Do you remember when I asked if you believed in fate?” 

“Yes I do. It replayed and replayed while he…” 

“Don't talk about it, please, Lolite. I could kill that man brutally and sleep great at night. Do you believe in fate?”

I smiled and lit another cigarette. “I didn’t until last night.” he turned his head to the side. 

“What do you mean?” 

“ I arrived at this bureau close to a week ago. I expected the same dirty looks and passive aggressive remarks about how I didn't seem professional. I had prepared myself to just do my job. Watching my other team members scoff when I went on a smoke break. I expected the same routine. Do the job, be gossiped about, then a transfer. No one even looked at me with disdain. It was comforting. Garcia ran up to me to talk, Derek gave me nicknames, you… oh you Reid.”


“You stared at me and made me a mess on my first day. You kissed me on the plane ride here. You held me after I almost died. You know that’s it's  hard for me to trust people intimately.” 

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