Chapter Five

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I spend the rest of the day writing out some notes and ideas. I need to have some sort of game plan, I can't just wing this. Doing this also helps me brainstorm possible contingencies. The overall idea is that this will help keep my thoughts organized so I'm not handling this recklessly or on the fly. I only get one shot at this, I cannot risk messing it up.

 Not only does the programming need to be undone, but he's also going to need structure and support throughout the process. Undoing the programming is the most daunting part of it all. It was never designed to be undone, only intensified or reset. When I created this program I had never anticipated the need to reverse it. I tap the pen on the table as I brainstorm possible solutions, there has to be a way. The lab door opens, but I stay concentrated because I don't want to lose this train of thought. 

"Do you have any updates?" I look up and see Steve staring at me with hopeful eyes. I show him the paper and explain everything the best I can. Steve's eyebrows scrunch as I explain.

"So what you're saying is that Bucky is still in there?" His big takeaway was not the complications that stand in my way, but the fact that his best friend is still there. It's heartwarming to see he cares so much about someone who's only been taken advantage of for the past several decades. I place a hand on his shoulder,

"I am confident that he is. The programming only made him obedient to the handler and to suppress his free will. His memories were never erased." I tell him, laying my pen down on the table. Steve nods and taps his hand on the table.

"Well, I'm sure if there's anyone who can do it, they're in this lab right now." He looks between the three of us.

 I know Steve is slightly hovering around me because he wants his best friend back, but I can't help but wonder if he's just trying to keep an eye on me, if he's buying into Tony's idea that I might be a spy. I push the thought to the back of my mind and re-read what I have so far. There's no point in worrying about their opinions, I can't change those for them. But I can help Bucky, so that's what I focus on.

My plan is simple, kind of. It's based on building a foundation of trust. Without a bond made through trust, the entire process will be very difficult for him because he will lack a support system, and I have a feeling he isn't going to want to cooperate with me very well. It's hard telling how the resurfacing memories will affect him and I want to be sure I'm prepared to deal with anything and everything that may happen. 

I'm not entirely sure how this process is going to go, I've never seen the reversal of the programming and my plan is entirely ideal and hypothetical. In a perfect world the memories will resurface and he will be able to handle them without issue, but this world is far from perfect and I have to assume that this process will follow that pattern as well.

I sigh, putting the cap back on the pen and placing the papers inside the red leather-bound book. This book is older than I am and holds so much history, though the history is dark and left a long trail of blood. 

"What's in the book?" Bruce asks, pushing his sleeves up to his elbows as he approaches me. 

"This book is responsible for countless deaths and the corruption of the mind. It's the key to what most would consider brainwashing and it is wanted by every member of Hydra. It's dangerous." I say tapping the front of the book.

"Well that's comforting. Would you mind if I take a look at it? I'll see if there's anything useful for Tony's research." He asks.

 I'm apprehensive to hand this book over knowing that the contents in the wrong hands can lead to a lot of damage. I know we're a team now but I can't risk things, and I've only just met these people. On the other hand I don't want Tony to have another reason to despise my presence. Reluctantly, I hand him the book and decide I'll just stay in the lab until they're finished with it. Tony joins Bruce and the two open the book. Tony immediately rolls his eyes. 

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