Chapter Thirty

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Fires burn and people scream all around. Buildings collapse and the crashes spew dust and rubble into the air. Robots are everywhere, killing anything they see. People flee from the city and run towards Shield's ship that's stationed at the edge of the rising city. The city keeps going higher and higher, the air starting to feel thin in the altitude.

We run from shadow to shadow, hoping to lay low and go undetected. There's been no sign of Pietro anywhere, and I'm starting to think maybe he didn't make it. However, I'm holding out hope for Wanda.

We leave our spot and run to the wall of another building, ducking behind a corner. Wanda peeks her head around and looks, but shakes her head.

"I don't see him." She says as the ground beneath us shakes. I wish Bucky would get on the ship, I hate taking this gamble.

Silently, I come to the conclusion that if this city starts plummeting to the ground or the air starts to run out, that I will take Bucky and we'll get on the ship. If Wanda wants to stay she can, but I have to put Bucky first. I'll figure out another way to get the algorithm implemented if I have to.

"We're running out of time." Bucky says, speaking my thought as well. Wanda shoots him a glare.

"He's my brother. We find him." She says and goes to dart behind another building, leaving Bucky and me. I sigh and look to Bucky,

"If we can't find him we have to go." I whisper and he nods his head.

"I'm not letting you die here." He says and his face takes on a darker look, one that's more determined. We follow Wanda who scans the area for her brother.

Out of nowhere a robot comes around the corner and it startles me. I jump back while Bucky and Wanda spring forward. They easily tear the machine apart and I look down to inspect it. I see the blue glow of the eyes fade away. This is what Tony's unleashed on the world. Who knows where else they're wreaking havoc.

I look around and see we've made our way into the center of the city. I hear a noise and turn to my right to see what it is, and see Thor hitting robots out of the way with his hammer in a gazebo looking building. It looks like there's some sort of big metal contraption he's defending. They can't be more than a quarter mile away.

"There's Steve." Bucky points to Steve, who's helping a woman out of the rubble. She runs off and Steve goes back to tearing more robots apart. If Thor and Steve are here, it's likely Tony is nearby and that is the last thing we need right now.

I see an influx of robots descend upon the gazebo where Thor is, we have to do something. We can't just keep standing and hiding looking for someone who might be dead. I feel a knot in my stomach, unsure of what to do.

"We need to do something. They keep pouring in." I say quietly as to not attract unwanted attention.

Wanda closes her eyes and I see some of her magic swirling around her fingers. Another robot spots us and runs right at us. Bucky steps forward and tears it apart, using his metal arm to remove the head from the mechanical body. This is bad, worse than I could have imagined.

"He's close." Wanda says and goes to hide behind another building. Bucky and I follow. I really hope we find him soon.

Another building collapses closeby, the dust cloud almost chokes me. I put my arm over my nose to keep from inhaling too much. Bucky pulls me into him, using his body as a shield. I feel his arm wrap around me and the wind rushes us.

"Wanda if we don't find him we have to go. She can't be out here too much longer. This place is either going to collapse or fall." Bucky says with an authoritative tone. I step away from Bucky once I feel the wind die down and survey our surroundings.

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