Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Bucky and I lay close to each other, trying to keep warm in the dark, abandoned base. The four of us had to find makeshift beds for the night. Bucky and I took one of the holding cells that had some thin blankets in there and made the best of what we had.

The concrete is uncomfortable to lay on, I can't fall asleep. I lay staring at the ceiling, still thinking of ways to write the algorithm. I feel like I'm close to the answer, I'm just missing one piece of the puzzle. I rub my eyes which slightly burn from staring at a screen for most of the day and rest my head on Bucky's bicep.

In the hall across from the cells I hear a noise. Not like a scurrying rat, it's like someone tripping over something. I sit up and feel my heart start beating heavier and quicker. I squint my eyes and try to see something, but the entire room is pitch black and I can't see anything. I tap Bucky and he sits up. I'm not sure he was sleeping either.

"I heard something." I whisper. Bucky shifts beside me. He stands up and quietly makes his way into the main area, where the tables and computers are. He turns on the computer I was working at all day and it illuminates the darkness. I stand and follow him into the main area. I know I heard something. Bucky looks around and turns back to me, shrugging.

"I don't think anyone is here." He says. Maybe it was just Wanda or Pietro. Bucky walks back over to me with a soft look on his face,

"I'm here and I won't let anything happen to you. We're okay." He says. As we turn to go back into our makeshift bed I hear the sound again. This time Bucky stops in his tracks.

We both look around for what it could be. Bucky holds a finger to his lips to tell me to be quiet, and I nod my head. He starts walking down the hall across from the cells but before he can disappear into the darkness there's a laugh that echoes through the room. My stomach drops. I hear someone clapping their hands and see a figure approach us from out of the darkness.

I see who walks towards us and feel like I'm seeing a ghost.

"Oh how I've waited for this." He says with a wide maniacal smile on his face. I see his sanity hasn't improved. He takes a few more steps towards me and I hear Bucky's metal arm adjust. We've both waited for this moment, and I bet the twins have too. He has no idea what he's up against.

"Calm down there Soldier. I just want to talk." His obnoxious voice says. He turns his full attention to me and anger builds within me.

"Adalyn, it's been a while honey. I've missed you. I see that you've come to your senses and back to me. And don't worry, I've forgiven you for the special cocktail you tried to serve me." I think I could throw up from his disgusting words.

"In your dreams, Dane. You're an even bigger idiot than I thought if you think you're making it out of this room alive. You should've taken the drink." I say, voice echoing. He clutches at his chest and feigns a cry of pain.

"Oh I'm hurt that you think you stand a chance against me." He says and takes a few more steps towards me. Bucky looks between the two of us. I'm surprised he hasn't strangled him already.

"Why are you here?" I ask, not understanding why he would reveal himself like this. It's very unlike him to be somewhere without a posse. I look around warily, looking for his reinforcements.

"Well, I've been hiding out here ever since the Avengers raided the place. I watched the four of you today, it's no coincidence that you're all here. It must be fate that brought us all together. Oh, but before that I was working on surpassing your notoriety by creating the next best soldiers." He says. He's delusional for sure.

"Kind of creepy to be watching people, but I guess that's normal for you." I say, knowing he won't take the insult well. The fire in my veins has ignited something in me, and I almost look forward to killing him. Dane rolls his eyes,

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