Chapter Sixteen

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The water drips down the drain, and I place my hands on either side of the sink. I notice that I now have dark circles forming under my eyes. I've barely slept the past few days, and it's starting to catch up to me. I wash my face with cold water which wakes me up slightly. I also make sure to style my hair in a way that will hide the stitches.

Going to sleep for the rest of the day sounds inviting, but there is too much work to be done. Bruce is supposed to meet us today and I don't want to waste any time.

Since the night Bucky remembered he killed Tony's parents I brainstormed possible theories as to how to remove the Hydra programming from Bucky's mind. The way in which he's programmed makes it difficult to undo, but I don't think it's impossible.

I walk out of the bathroom and see Bucky standing by the window, already dressed for the day.

"You ready?" I ask, ready to see the others.

"Yeah, I think I'm ready." He says. He decided that staying in the room for a few days to level out his emotions would be best, and I agreed. I want him to fully process and navigate the feelings in a relaxed environment, and I don't want to rush him into doing something he's uncomfortable with. I especially didn't want him to face Tony until he was ready.

During the last few days I only left a few times to change my clothes and grab some food. Steve also helped us a lot, he gave Bucky some company when I needed to sleep for a few hours. Thankfully, the bruise on my arm is faded enough that it shouldn't draw attention.

Both of us get into the elevator and go down to the first floor. As usual, Steve, Natasha, and Tony are there. I see there are two plates out for Bucky and I, I suspect Steve is the one who set it up. With a smile on my face I join them, I missed them the past few days.

"It's about time you two show up again." Natasha teases with a small smile.

"Glad to be back." Bucky answers her as he sits down. Everyone is silent as they wrap up breakfast, but I can't wait any longer to ask,

"Does anyone know when Bruce is getting here?" I look between everyone gathered at the kitchen island.

"He should be here within the hour." Natasha answers. I nod my head, feeling relieved he's going to be here soon. I offer to do the dishes for everyone and nobody protests as they go about their day. Bucky stays to help dry the plates.

One of the benefits of being together over the past few days is that the awkwardness from setting the boundary has dissipated. We're back to normal and I can't be more thankful. Although there is a small part of me that still longs to be held close by him. I think back to that morning in the bunker more times than I'd like to admit; I like to reminisce about the comfort I felt, the warmth in my cheeks when he kissed my forehead.

I hand Bucky the last plate, our hands brushing past each other. His hand is soft and warm, just like it was when he held it weeks ago as we danced to the old record, I wish I could hold his hand one more time. However, I know that I can't and push the thought away as I dry my hands on a towel hanging on the wall next to the sink. As I wipe my hands on the towel I hear an aircraft outside. I feel a burst of energy and rush over to the window, seeing the aircraft land. Bruce and Fury step out of the plane, and I go to greet them as the others follow.

"Welcome back." I smile at them. Bruce returns the smile, Fury keeps a straight expression. Fury walks into the building without a word. Confused, I look to Bruce,

"What's that all about?" I ask, feeling anxious that Fury is in an unsociable mood because there's bad news. Bruce scratches the back of his neck, I can tell that it's nothing good.

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