Chapter Seven

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The water stops trickling down the drain as I shut off the faucet and pat my mouth dry. Today's the day and I know Steve is more excited than I am. I hear him knocking on the door and go to open it for him. He walks in and I return to the bathroom, untangling my hair from last night's restless sleep. I've been eager for this day to come, I couldn't get my mind to rest very well.

"Do you think it'll go well?" Steve asks anxiously, picking at the skin on his thumb. I look at him through the mirror, poor guy has been stressed out for two weeks over this. If I had a hard time resting last night I bet he didn't even sleep. I turn to face him,

"If I didn't think he could handle it I wouldn't go through with this. He's done exceptionally well up to this point, it'll be okay Steve. I'll be there for you both. It's going to be emotional just remember to let yourself feel the emotions." I say and lay my hairbrush down on the vanity. I go to put my shoes on as Steve sighs,

"I just hope he remembers." His voice tapers at the end, worry clearly evident in his voice. I lace up my boot and look to Steve as I put the other one on.

"I'm fairly confident he will remember. It might not happen all at once, it may take some time. Just have patience." I say, hoping to ease some of his nerves and bring his high hopes down to something that is more realistic. I don't want Steve's hope to be crushed if things don't go exactly the way he wants them to. 

He starts tapping a foot on the floor and runs a hand through his hair. I can't imagine what thoughts are going through his head right now. He's about to be reunited with his best friend who he thought was dead for the past sixty or so years.  It has to feel unreal.

I lace my other boot and Steve goes to open the door, eager to get to Bucky's room. I follow Steve into the hall and down to the room we spend the majority of our time in now.

Things have smoothed out over the past two weeks for the most part. Bucky isn't as apprehensive as he first was and I think that's because we have a similar experience we can relate to each other with, along with the fact that he knows he's not in any imminent danger. Steve and I are practically joined at the hip most days, he's been one of the most welcoming and supportive people since I've arrived and I'm most grateful for him. Tony still isn't fond of me, but he tolerates me better than he first did, so I can't complain too much.

Steve stays in the hall as I walk into Bucky's room to explain what's going to happen today. Bucky sets the book he's reading aside as he sees me walk into the room, a smile on his face.

"Good morning." I smile and greet him back, not sitting in my usual spot. He looks confused as to why I don't have coffee cups in my hands and why I'm not settling in like I usually do for our morning talks.

"I have someone with me that I want you to meet. I think you two will have a lot to talk about. If it gets to be too much or you need a break, I'll be just outside the door and you can call for me." I say and take some steps backwards as Bucky nods. I walk out of the room to observe from the hall, and Steve is standing right by the door. I give him permission to go into the room and he takes one big breath before he enters. I shut the door behind Steve and cross my arms as I watch from behind the one-way glass.

Bucky stares at Steve, a mixture of emotions on his face. Steve walks slowly, approaching the grey armchair that's been placed next to the couch in Bucky's room. After Bucky was freed from the cage, Steve made sure that he had a bed and some other furniture placed in his room to make sure Bucky was comfortable.

Steve sits in the chair, the two are silent as they study one another. Steve looks nervous and Bucky looks like he's seen a ghost. I see Bucky blink a few times and tilt his head to one side.

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