Chapter Eleven

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I stare at the ceiling tiles, counting them for what seems to be the hundredth time since we've been here. Bucky stands by the monitors watching the perimeter. It's been four days and Steve still hasn't come for us. Both Bucky and I are starting to get a little more stir-crazy with each passing day. I'm starting to worry that something bad happened to Steve, but I'm trying to push those thoughts aside and remain positive. 

I wish we could go outside, I think it would help us feel less claustrophobic, but we don't want to take the chance of something bad happening. Plus, neither of us know where we are, we have no phone to find out, and we don't have any money so we're pretty much out of luck in all aspects until Steve comes back for us.

"I am so bored." I say, sitting up on the couch.

"You can come count the squirrels with me." Bucky offers teasingly. I stand and grab the remote to the small television which only works about half the time. I switch it on and see a slightly static filled screen which is definitely an improvement from yesterday. I flip through the three channels, hoping and praying something tolerable is on.

"Well our choices today include the weather channel, the infomercial channel, and static." I announce. I decide the weather channel is the best of the options and set the remote down. The meteorologist's voice cuts out every other word and the picture is barely visible but at least it's something new. I sit back on the couch and stare at the screen.

It feels like hours pass, though it's only been minutes. I can't take being in here for much longer. I crouch in front of the bookcase and go over the selection again, maybe something new miraculously appeared overnight. 

Unfortunately, it's still the same books as yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that. I close my eyes and choose one randomly and I end up picking The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. I take the book back to the couch and begin reading it. I had heard about this book before but never gave it a try, I always found the synopsis on the back to be a bit dull.

As I turn each page, time seems to move a little quicker than usual. Bucky moves from squirrel duty to sit beside me on the couch to watch the static-filled television. We pass the time quietly, each of us trying to not think about being stuck down here.

I end up finishing the book in a few hours and it wasn't as dull as I thought it was going to be. Although, I was frustrated with the ending, which I made sure Bucky heard about. I put the aged book back in its spot and stretch, causing my back to crack a few times. I feel tension in my lower back but I can't seem to get it to crack no matter how many times I twist from side to side.

"Can you help me?" I ask Bucky who nods his head. I cross my arms as he lifts me off the ground. I feel my spine decompress, and my lower back pops with a satisfying sound. Bucky puts me back and I thank him as I walk to the tiny kitchen area. The rations are getting low, we're down to half a jar of peanut butter and a box of crackers. I pull the peanut butter and crackers out of their spot and take them with me to the couch. I put the jar and box in between the two of us and we continue watching the television as we eat on the crackers.

This is the least productive I've been in years and I hate the feeling of just sitting around. On one hand I don't want to chance leaving the bunker only to be met with Hydra agents waiting to kill us both, but on the other hand I feel as though I could die of boredom if I don't get out of here soon. Plus, we haven't seen anything but birds and squirrels around us for days. Maybe I can talk Bucky into leaving for just a little bit. I swallow the cracker in my mouth and look at Bucky, who was eating a makeshift peanut butter sandwich.

"How about we get out of here for a little bit this evening?" I propose and see him weighing the options internally.

"We stay close to the bunker and we don't stay out for long." He states and I smile, happy he wants to get out of here too. We put our shoes on and press the button next to the stairs to open the trap door. Within seconds the lock disengages. I look back to check the monitors one last time, and see the trees. We walk up the stairs and are met with crisp, fresh air.

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