Chapter Twenty-Four

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Natasha skillfully lands the jet in what seems to be the middle of nowhere. Shield really does like to put their outposts in the most remote areas. While the woods typically feel tranquil to me, this time I'm getting an eerie feeling and I can't quite pinpoint why. I try to shake the feeling as we follow Natasha into the small concrete building. 

We step inside and are instantly met with a security team. Metal detectors are being waved everywhere, and they loudly alarm when going over Bucky. Other security members pat us down at the same time, it's a chaotic mess. As quickly as it begins, it ends. The team steps aside to let us through. What a warm welcome. Silently, we follow Natasha to the only thing in the room, an elevator. 

As the doors close my mind begins racing. This has to be a maximum security compound and with maximum security comes maximum threats. My stomach twists as I think of everything that can possibly go wrong while we're here. Hopefully things go smoothly but I know better than to get my hopes up. The elevator swiftly takes us down and the doors slide open. 

I can see over Natasha's shoulder that there are armed guards standing every few feet. I don't like the energy this place has, it's too similar to that of Hydra's bases. I glance to Bucky, who returns my look with one of equal concern. It seems like our footsteps echo in the chillingly silent halls. I'm used to Shield compounds being lively and bright, but this is the exact opposite. I clutch the book tighter in my hand and keep my eyes trained on the back of Natasha's head.

I swallow the lump in my throat and tug at the collar of my shirt. I feel like I'm being suffocated in these halls. The lights are dim and spaced far apart, the concrete walls are cold. I feel Bucky's warm hand on my back as we walk down the hall and it brings me some comfort, knowing he's here. 

We're led to a small room where Fury is sitting at a round table. The three of us take a seat, the chairs scraping against the rough concrete floors. One of the guards closes the door behind us with what seems to be a loud click. I look to Fury, curious about what he has to say. I'm sure everyone at this table can hear my heartbeat.

"Averina, Barnes, it's nice to see you two doing well." Fury starts, the sound of his voice cutting through the deafening silence. 

"It's nice to see you as well, Director." I greet him. His hands are on the table, fingers interlocked with one another. 

"The people we have detained here are dangerous. We just got them to start talking to us. What we know so far is that they are Sokovian twins, named Wanda and Pietro. They say they volunteered to be experimented on and they were granted their powers by Hydra." As the words leave Fury's mouth, a light bulb goes off in my mind. I lean forward in my seat, anxious to hear what else he has to say.

"They don't necessarily like us, they still have some allegiance to Hydra. We would like to change that, of course. I understand you're here to get some answers. Perhaps we can reach an agreement." Fury looks at me.

"What kind of agreement?" I ask, not understanding what he's getting at. 

"I will let you talk to them on the condition you try to influence their loyalty to Shield. You know Hydra and how they operate, I trust you know the right the right things to say to sway their loyalty." He says and I raise my eyebrows. That's a daunting task. 

"I can certainly try, Director. I'll give it my best effort." I say. I have to agree to this or else Bucky and I just wasted our time coming here. I know there's no easy way to persuade someone to defect from Hydra, it's something you have to decide for yourself first. Hydra does a good job of sinking their teeth in you, making you fully believe everything they say and do.

"Glad to hear it. Nat can show Bucky to your room while I take you to go see them. I think it's best if we limit their exposure to other people for now." Fury stands from the table. I stand as well and give the book and flash drives to Bucky. I know he'll take care of it and put everything in a safe place. Nat and Bucky walk one way, Fury and I the other. 

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