Chapter Twenty

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I tape a piece of paper to wall and take a few steps back. Since the other day my mind map has grown exponentially. There are a lot more theories than we started with, most stemming from Tony's want to apply the gem's framework to one of his protocols. It's been an uphill battle trying to convince him that it's too soon to be trying to create an artificial intelligence on this scale when we don't even understand what we're dealing with fully. However, Tony has grown tired of hearing my protests. So now, all I can do is learn about what we're dealing with so that we're better equipped for Tony's desires.

As Tony mentioned the other day, Ultron has been a fantasy of his for a while and the gem has opened the doors. Basically, Tony wants to create an artificial intelligence protocol to protect Earth from predators originating in space, and to have a suit of armor around the world to respond quickly to any emerging threat. While Bruce was on my side to begin with, I can tell Tony's winning him over, the thought of creating something so grandiose is almost intoxicating to Bruce. I'm not against the idea of creating the protocol, I'm against experimenting with unknown technology on such a large scale.

Tony and Bruce left with each other for lunch today, leaving me in the lab alone. I look to the blue model that's been hovering in the air for the past two days. I've come to the conclusion that if the framework contained within the jewel was given a proper host that it may be possible a sentient being could be created. I've been studying the way that the matrix is working and I can tell that it's taking input from the environment and processing it, much like a brain.

In addition to that, I've also come up with another idea that I haven't disclosed to anyone yet. I walk back to my desk and pull out the drawer containing my notes I've been making while I'm in here alone. Since Tony and Bruce have been infatuated with their idea, it's been relatively easy to work on this by myself. I hear the elevator ding and see both Steve and Bucky walk over, I told them to come down so I can discuss what my idea.

"What is that?" Bucky asks as he passes the model.

"That is what is contained in the gem from Loki's scepter. In a nutshell it's a brain, it takes input and processes it." I say, saving them the long and scientific explanation. I don't have much time to get through my idea before Tony and Bruce come back. I spin the piece of paper around on the table and dive right into my idea.

"Tony and Bruce don't know I've been doing this, I'm trusting you two to keep it that way for now. I think I've come up with a solution that would make the Winter Soldier programming obsolete." I watch as Bucky's eyebrows scrunch together. Steve stares with a blank face, and I waste no time elaborating.

"So the Winter Soldier programming is too deeply conditioned for me to be able to safely remove it and still keep Bucky. This framework may allow me to apply an algorithm to negate the conditioning. If I can apply an algorithm that detects the trigger words, it can shut down the Winter Soldier conditioning." I say, feeling more confident that I'm on the right track.

"But how will you put that algorithm in my mind without more programming?" Bucky asks and I sigh, there is one downfall to my plan.

"In order to put the algorithm in your mind I'm going to have to create a medium that will target the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex, it's the only way. But it'll be painless and nothing like the Winter Soldier programming experience, I can promise you that." I say, knowing I still have some obstacles to overcome in order to make this plan work. They both stay silent for a moment and I feel butterflies start flittering in my stomach, what if they don't like the plan?

"If it means the Winter Soldier will be no more, I'm on board." Bucky says, and I release a breath I didn't realize I was holding. I look to Steve, who has a skeptical look on his face.

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