Chapter 2

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"Betty?" I hear a voice call but it's not the familiar voice that once made me feel safe. I see the headlights behind me I just don't want move. I'm completely soaked the rain. I can't go inside yet he might come back. He has to. I've been out here for what feels like years. Time is slowed down majorly. I don't even know if I want to see him. Of course I do, I just want to know if he's okay. I've been trying to process what happened but I can't. Jughead left me. He told me he didn't love me. I can't even begin to wrap my head around what's happened. He seemed so cold and detached from me he was so calm. Ive even sobbing, crying my eyes out and screaming at myself abuts the things I could have and should have said. Although the tears aren't coming out anymore I'm still crying I guess I just used up all my tears for a boy who doesn't even love me. My throat hurts so bad I don't think I could talk if I wanted to. Only hours ago he left. Let I still he him. Trapped. I trapped him he told me. "Betty!" The voice comes closer. "What the hell are you-" Veronica comes even closer and puts her hand in my shoulder. "It's freezing, are you okay?" Her heels stop just behind me. I didn't even mind the cold it numbed the pain just a little. The soundless sobs won't stop. I turn around as quickly as possible and sob into her shoulder. My chest violently shook as I bawled into Veronica. "Betty it's okay, what's wrong?" Veronica said as she hugged me. " come on let's get in the car and go back to my house." Veronica says while leading me into the car. "My voice was shaky when I said "I wonder how long he was waiting to leave me, he didn't even look back. He couldn't even look at me." I say after I sat down in the living room with Veronica after she made me take a bath. I take a sip of the tea Veronica made me. "Betty I'm so sorry you don't deserve this." She said trying to reassure me. "I did Veronica I had him trapped." I said. "You did nothing wrong Betty he decided to leave. Besides if he can't see how amazing you are then screw him." I wiped my eyes. It's more painful to cry without tears. "vee he never so much as raised his voice at me. I'm worried about him he just blew me off and I don't know what I did to make him Breakup with me. Maybe I could have done something different or said something. He's amazing and I love him I'll aways love him, and when he said he didn't love me anymore I left go of the backpack I've had him trapped that's what he told me. He must have been crying out for help and I missed it. Even today, he didn't yell at me he was calm and kept his cool." I smiled thinking about him or to hide my pain maybe a bit of both. "These was nothing you could do and I'm sure you love him but if he told you that he doesn't love you and that you trapped him maybe it's for the better that you two are finished. He obviously didn't care enough if he was calm." She told me. " Or he cared to much, to much to yell. Maybe he's crying right now. But Veronica what hurt the most about what he said, it's that it was true. It's true." I said quickly and picked at my nails. "I can't believe you are defending the man who just broke your heart, you must really love him. I probably would have killed him by now if I were you." She giggles. Maybe I'm just not good at this whole relationship thing. I keep on checking my phone just to make sure he's not calling me because if he was and he needed help I would help him. But Veronica grabs my phone. "Put the phone down, come on." She says. "Vee do you think he's gonna come back?" I dare to ask. "For your sake, yes." He has to come back. She must have noticed my frown because she quickly said "Betty I hope he comes back. And if he's smart he will." "Me to" I say. "Betty, are you okay you could have gotten hurt or worse standing out in the middle of the street?" She asked worried. "Honestly, I'm not. But I don't wanna talk about it." I look at Veronica who is frowning. "But thank you for coming out there, I'm not sure what would have happened if you didn't. And I'm sorry for getting you wet earlier when we hugged. Your such a good friend." I say sighing. "No need to thank me Betty that's what friends are for." She reached over to hold my hand. I gave her a smile. "Well goodnight." Veronica stood up and fluffed my pillow on the couch. "Night." I yelled back. I layed down on the pillow and curled into a ball on my side. I think of the dark wavy haired man I used to call mine. The deep pain in my chest would aways be present. Before I could stop myself I was crying again. I cried myself to sleep that night I tried my best to be quiet so Veronica could sleep I definitely didn't want anyone to hear me crying like a big baby. I wonder where Jughead is. Maybe he's not okay. I just should check my phone a few more times just in case. Jughead and I have been together for years. I know him well enough to know that something is going on and he's shutting down. He's gone. I say a prayer to god that this is just a really bad dream. As I drift off to sleep from being exhausted.

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