Veronica POV
"Archie they've got something special, I mean did you not see the way he was looked at her across the street, his eyes told words that could never be spoken." I told Archie. It really is amazing the tension in the air was just enough to make me wanna cry and grab a bag of popcorn whilst slapping Jughead. "Yeah Ronnie, it's was like magic they really do need each other. The world would run backwards without them. They keep everyone's heads screwed on even when theirs are falling off." Archie said like he was talking about a football game. "Was that really Jugheads dad?" I questioned. "Yup." Archie replied plainly. "Betty was frozen when she saw him, it was like all the damage had finally sunk in. Poor Betty." I say. "Yea, but everything is gonna go back to normal, Jugheads back." Archie said as if trying to make a point. "Actually I don't know, things will probably be very different because of Jugheads dad, and the breakup." I replied trying to make sense of my answer. I wondered how long it would have taken Jughead to come back. I knew he couldn't have stayed away for long and the way he left Betty and how she described it, there's no coming back from what Jughead said. "Honestly Veronica I don't think they could live without each other, their strong nothing gets in their way, and if they make it past this rough spot that their going through that just proves my point." Archie told me so slowly I was sure that he was really thinking about what he was saying. " I want that to be us Archie, I want people to think that we're unstoppable and perfect like Betty and Jughead, but that's not possible-" I start to say turning away from Archie as he cuts me off. "Of course it's not possible Ronnie, we're not Jughead and Betty we never will be!" He raised his voice, this surprised me. Why was he upset? There's no way he's upset because I said something about Betty and Jugheads relationship.
"Veronica we all know that Betty and Jughead are FAR from PERFECT and why are we even discussing their relationship?! It's none of our damn business Veronica!" He shouted even more sharply than before. By this point I was facing him again in the middle of his living room. "Archie? What the hell is the matter? We were JUST having a normal conversation about OUR FRIENDS and now your going ballistic over it! By the way you cut me off before I could finish talking!" I tried to keep my temper under control but with Archie rolling his eyes it made it difficult. "You know what Archie? Im sorry I don't have time to deal with your shit anymore, I've been patient with you-" I began to say but once again was cut off. "Go ahead! You made it sound like such a hassle to be with me, you act like I need you, but I don't." I was angry in the heat of the moment but when his cold and unaffected voice hit me I lost all self control and confidence I had. Or maybe it was the blank stare he gave me. I had no control of the hot tears soaking my face. What only made it worse was when I looked at Archie and I knew he saw me crying and in pain he just looked, never flinched or wore the face of guilt. I ran up the stairs and gathered my homework that was left in his room. I walked down the stairs and Archie was waiting at the door. "Just so we're clear, this thing with us is over." I looked at him and wondered what happened to the red haired boy who wore the face of Archie Andrews. I hit him. Hard. I slapped him thinking it would make me feel better but I left before I could see his reaction. I drove off and wondered what the hell just happened. It's all a blur.Bettys POV
"Elizabeth!" My mom says as I'm walking down the stairs. "Did jughead leave yet?" She snapped. "No, he's upstairs sleeping." I say grabbing a box of cereal out of the cabinet. "Betty why did you lie yesterday about the road being worked on? I don't care if Jughead is being a cry baby. Although he shouldn't be crying." Alice says judgmentally. "Mom you have no idea what your talking about, his dad came back and jughead just, wasn't ready." I defended him. "Fp's back in town?" She said rushed, dropping a magazine out of her hand. I raised an eyebrow at her. "I suppose that explains why there were skid marks on the road." I heard her whisper. "You knew jugheads dad?" I ask, I don't remember her mentioning anything about it. "Uh- yes betty he went to my high school." She says I knew she was either lying or keeping something from me because she was stuttering which is something she never does. I pour two cups of coffee for myself and Jughead. I gave my mom one last glare before heading up the stairs with the coffees in hand. I opened my bedroom door and was surprised to see that Jughead was awake.

A Bughead story
FanficThis is a random bughead story and if you like drama then sUggest you stay. I don't own any riverdale characters but I just thought I would make this. Leave suggestions to help me be a better writer ⚠️ Triggers ⚠️. (Let me know if I'm missing any!) ...