Chapter 9

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Bettys POV

Today was a particular hard day. I was being forced to go school. It was the first day of Junior year. It was already shitty enough because Jughead wouldn't be there but also because kids probably wont stop asking me about Jughead. Not to mention Archie and Veronica breaking up nothing will be normal this year. I keep trying to go see Jughead in juvie but I can't. He has been locked up for almost a week. His court date has been set but nobody will tell me when or where. My moms moved on from it. I've been trying to get used to and except the fact that Jughead won't be taking me to homecoming this year. But I don't think that I could ever get used to not seeing Jughead around anymore. I sleep in his old t-shirts trying to keep the permanently indented scent of Jughead, but I can't smell it anymore. I've been working on a board for Jugheads case. I'm not really getting anywhere because the police aren't doing anything or telling me anything. I walked miserably down the stairs and grabbed my backpack. "Mom I can't go to school, maybe I can go talk to the police" I whined. My mom shut the book she was reading and looked up at me. "Elizabeth I know that this is hard on you but you have to push through it and think of yourself right now. Besides you haven't wanted to talk to the policed in a week." My Mom said in a small voice. I did nothing but nod. I'm still gonna do what I want. Either way they will probably pull me out of school to talk to them. I walked out the door and grabbed the keys to Jugheads motorcycle. I started the engine and zoomed away on it. But not before seeing the look of horror on my moms face. It felt nice to hear the bike. For a moment I pretended that Jughead was driving us to school. It was a 15 minute drive to the police station. I pulled up and I saw the lady officer who stood up for me through the huge windows. I took a deep breath and opened the door. The woman and I made eye contact and she immediately stepped over to me. I let her speak first "we've been expecting you, do you want to talk in my office?" She kindly and softly offered. "Sure" I didn't realize how hoarse my voice was. She nodded me along and walked in front of me. She opened a wooden door that led into a beautiful office. It wasn't small like I had expected. Instead it was a middle sized room. She pulled out the chair closet to the door and gestured for me to sit down. I obliged. She walked and sat in the big black chair across from me. "Okay, I understand how terrible this is for you" she paused. "I had a girlfriend, Olivia she was killed and I was the prime suspect, I was in jail and I spent a lot of time in questioning rooms. I didn't do it and I was accused. That's why I became a cop, so I can help people and make sure they never have to go through this." she explained. Our stories were so similar but she was the suspect. "That makes sense" was all I could come up with. "Okay let's get started? I just wanted you to know that I understand." She said. I nodded. "Would it be okay if I recorded our conversation?" The dark haired woman kindly asked me. Once again I nodded. She flipped a switch and a button turned red. "What can you tell me about the relationship between you and  Forsythe- Jughead?" She spoke. I could tel she was really trying to be careful about what she said and how she said it. I clicked my tongue. "We started dating the first year of high school- we broke up a few times since then. He always broke up with me to protect me. He'd never hurt me if anything he would protect me. He always put the needs of others in front of his own. He's so sweet. But a few weeks ago... he left me. He told me he didn't love me and I was trapping him. I couldn't believe it. I was so worked up about it I stood in the rain for hours waiting for him to come back. A day or two later his dad showed up to my front door I told him that I had no clue who jughead was. I didn't know it was his dad. Fp looked around my house kicked things over and threw papers. Eventually he left. Long story short Jughead came home because fp and some bikers were staying outside of my house. He got them to leave and jughead told me how sorry he was and he explained why he left." I paused and took a breath, I just now noticed the tears running down my face. "I'm sorry, I just don't like talking about this." I told the lady who handed me a tissue. "You have nothing to apologize about" the woman assured me. "Well anyways... uhm- jughead grew up without his mother, she left with his little sister jellybean because fp treated her like crap. Jughead told me he would hear his mother's screams at night-. Fp also hit Jughead. Jughead told me that his father was a drunk who had a lot of issues. Jughead got sick of his dad and he was couch surfing when he was thirteen. I mean Fp didn't even come home most nights so he was living alone. It was just every few days I guess." I said playing with my fingernails. "Then we were awkwardly dating for a while until he told me how he felt, we fixed everything then next thing I know- he was being taken away in handcuffs" I blubbered explaining through my sobs. The sherif reached into a drawer in her desk and pulled out a candy. She handed it to me. I unwrapped it and sucked on it. I giggle-sobbed. This woman was being so kind towards me. "Thanks" I said. "Pfff no problem." She waved her hand. "Now, do you know where Jughead went when he left?" She seriously asked me. "He went to Montreal. He didn't do it, no matter if he was upset he would never hurt a woman." I tried reasoning. "It's okay, calm down. If this is to much for you when we can stop or even take a break. I do still have a few questions." She told me. I squeezed my hands. I took a moment to think about it. Finally I said "no it's okay, anything to help him" I just have to get him out of there I thought. "Was that gun in the drawer really yours? I'm sorry but if you lie then I'll have to press charges." She explained. I closed my eyes. "No. The gun isn't mine and I have no clue how it got there..." I confessed. She was saying something but I didn't hear her. When I was pointing the gun at fp it looked like he had grabbed something... he was standing next to the bowl that the house keys were held in. "Betty are you alright?" She asked. I jumped up. "Oh my god! How could I have never thought of this before!? When Fp was in my house I saw him! He was by a bowl with the house keys in it! The extra keys we never used them so I never would notice if they were stolen! It looked like he picked them up." I knew I was right about something. "Why would he want the keys?" She asked. "So he could put the gun there and that box full of crap, or maybe he hired someone to do it! Jughead is being framed!" I figured it out. "Those are serious accusations... but" she enthusiastically raised a eyebrow. "Anything is possible, but all this physical evidence they have piled against jughead is not good. Even if it was planted we will find out. We sent it all to a lab for testing a few days back, I'll call you if I hear anything," she promised. I pushed the chair out slowly because I expected it to make a screeching noise but it didn't. I stood up and started walking towards the door. My hand rested on the doorknob for a moment then I turned around. "Mam, I need to see Jughead." My tone was even but it cracked betraying me. "I had a feeling you'd say that!" The woman crackled. "Follow me. we are holding him in a cell and you can talk to him in there but you only get... maybe 10 or 15 minutes. You aren't allowed to touch or give him food or anything. I'm betting you already knew the rules." She said leading me out the door, into a hallway then turning to the right just to walk down another hallway. Finally she unlocked a door and held it open for me. "Thanks, and I'm sorry about the mean things I said the day he was arrested." I looked down recalling the events. She shook her head. "Don't worry about it sweetheart." she said as I nodded and walked through the door. "Betty?!" The familiar voice softly asked in a husky voice. I couldn't help the tears that fell from my eyes. Jughead stood up onto his feet in the cell and stood as close as possible to the cell. I realized I was still standing my the door. "Betty, I don't know what they are talking about! I didn't do any of the horrible things that they are accusing me of. I'm so glad to see you." He looked upset and sleep deprived. I walked closer to the cell but stood a few feet back. My head was low and I felt the weight of tears in my eyes. "Betty?" His voice broke. I knew he didn't like to see me cry but I couldn't help it. I looked up and took a deep breath. "Juggie, I am so sorry this is happening to you. I told the sheriff the gun wasn't mine because if we were both behind bars it wouldn't help." I admitted quickly. He sighed but it sounded relived. "That's what your worried about? Don't worry you don't have to lie because I didn't do any of it. I'm being framed" He sounded so casual it scared me. "I know. But the gun if it links and traces back to you..." I didn't finish my sentence, assuming he knew what I was getting at. Jugheads beanie was removed by the guards and his shoes. "But Jug... it doesn't explain why you went to Montreal or why you didn't call me for your one phone call." I didn't realize I said it out loud until I watched his face lower and a flash of anger flared in his eyes. I froze and noticed how his body become stiff. "I- jug..." I stammered. He looked hurt but pissed. "I didn't know I would end up in Montreal. I just kept riding as far as my bike would take me.
I didn't get a phone call. The lines been down for a few days" He explained. I could tell he was trying to keep his voice even so he wouldn't yell or upset me. "Jug I believe you, I'm sorry I have no idea why I said that. I didn't mean to make you mad. You need to tell the cops that to. I'll get you an attorney and I'll keep working on your case. I'll even have the sherif keep watch over you" I promised trying to make it up to him for the crap I said. He relaxed. "Okay. Thank you and I'm not mad, I was just taken aback. Didn't school start today?" He sounded sincere. Unless he was the best actor ever. "I couldn't care less to show up to that hellhole, especially not with you." I joked. I knew I had to tell Jughead about his dad. "Jughead." I looked him straight in the eyes so he knew I was serious. "I'm about to tell you something and I know it's going to upset you, but I need you to promise not to lose your cool." I told him and his eyebrows pressed together. He was clearly confused and concerned. "Yeah okay?" He was obviously interested. I sighed. "Your dad. He knew the police were coming after you. He didn't say anything either and I knew he knows something we don't." I tried to sound indifferent and use careful tone and language so it didn't upset him as much as I thought it would. He didn't say anything. He stared at the walls and flinched. I stepped forward. I'd never seen him act this way and it was terrifying. "Jug... I'm so sorry, your dad is a jerk. Your sister Jellybean is at your house and he was making her sleep on the floor." I rushed my words. "Jughead I don't have a lot of time right now, I've been in here for ten minutes"

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