We're Not Friends

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Dans POV if you can play Friends by Ed Sheeran it'll help set the mood...

I took Phil upstairs to my room. We both sat down on my bed and after a minute a blurted out the question, " Do you want to play Just dance?" "Please!" he said almost to excitedly. I took out my prized Sonic game and put it in. We played for about an hour, Phil almost cussed infront of me when he lost and when I won I did a little dance.

"Dan can I have your number so we can talk about this whole situation." he asked while blushing "yeah sure" i said back to him and typed it into his phone "Hey Dan?" he asked me. I replied, "Yes Phil?" "Thanks for letting me stay for dinner and getting me out of the rest of the school day. Cat, my girlfriend, is my partner for gym and she plays football like crap." He said.

I knew that he had a girlfriend but my heart sank when he said it out loud. I had to cover it up that I was hurt so I laughed. He has really pretty eyes... Dan think about the task at hand. What was I supposed to do? Say 'Oh hi I'm Dan and everyone called me gay and I thought I wasn't but I really think I'm in love with you?' And he had a girlfriend, so what was I to do? That wouldn't be the best way to keep this one friend that you have.

"Dan‽‽ Dan‽‽" Phil said and shook my shoulder as I snapped my way back to reality. "What?" I asked " Your mum just called, its time for dinner." He said "OK lets go!'' I told him as we both got up to go downstairs. While we were talking walking downstairs he tuned around and I fell into him because I tripped over my own feet. "Hi" he said awkwardly and we both laughed because it reminded us both of lunch. And it took all my strength not to kiss him right then and there.

After supper we walked down the street "Phil what are we gonna do?" I stated "Dan, I honestly have no idea. We cant keep hanging out" he said "otherwise people will think things more than they already do..." " I'm not going to school tomorrow..." I said "I dont think I will until next Moday." he replied while adjusting his fringe... "Do you just wanna transfer schools with me?" I asked jokingly but I would be so amazing just to run away with him. "The bullying is just gonna get worse for me, and it'll be a whole new world for you" I told him while a smile dissapeared from his face."I know that I have bullied you for years but Dan I'm sorry." He said guilty "Its fine.." I mumbled "Dan, I want us to be friends, but you know that we can't be." he said... that's why we're not friends, that's why we can't be friends.

"Phil, you know I don't have feelings for you right?" I lied, I wanted to be his...

Phils' POV

"Yeah, I dont like you like that either..." I replied to him, I didn't want to say it but I knew I had to. It would break his heart if he knew I liked him like that but I had to stay with Cat, for my parents sake. I love him more than a friend.

"Well here we are." I said when we were at the foot of the steps. "Bye Phil, text me okay?' Dan said "have a good night, Dan" I said "You too" and we weirdly shook hands but I pulled him in for a hug.

At that moment I didn't care about Cat, or the arrangement, or normalness, I wanted to hold him forever but Iet go "bye" we both said and I turned to go inside.

He turned and walked down the street but I couldn't let him go "Dan!" I yelled while running toward him he turned around. Once I reached him "Dan, I really like you" I said and I did the thing I had wanted to since I saw him. I kissed him and he kissed back. It felt like fireworks, nothing like the boring kisses I've shared with Cat for the public. We both gasped for air. "I'm sorry I'm not very good that was my first kiss." He said blushing even more than he already was. "come here" I said with arms open and i pulled him in for a tight hug. "I really like you" I said " I love you too but I thought we weren't friends." he replied Oh Dan, "my friends will never love me like you."

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