The Prom

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*two week time jump*
Phil POV

Pj posted the video of me asking dan to prom and it had gotten pretty popular . Cat and Pj were over at our flat because they were going together as friends and we decided to go as a group.

It was the day of prom, Dan was getting ready upstairs with Cat and I was getting ready with Pj. We decided to meet at 5'o clock in the middle of the stairs. It was 4:30 and I was already freaking out.

"Pj what am I gonna do?" I asked "I'm taking him to PROM! I don't know what to do, how to act, how to dress, how to dance!" I rambled "What is they don't let us in cause we're together? What if we aren't meant to be? Pj I'm screwed, and if I mess up I won't be tonight!" I said and Pj died with laughter. "Just kidding about that last part but really, what do I do?" I said "Phil, this is the boy who endures daily beatings for you. The boy who accepted a whole big gay prom-prosal for you in front of the whole school! I don't think he cares how you act or dress or dance because he loves you and you love him!" Pj said. "Jesus Christ you're so philosophical and crap, but you're also right." I replied "Thanks" "No problem" he said

"Are you boys decent?" Cat asked while carefully walking down the stairs and covering her eyes. "Yeah Cat come on down." Pj said "Awe you both look so grown up!" Cat said "Phil, by the way, Dan is REALLY excited for tonight."
Pj and Cat went off to find Dans' mum. I yelled up the stairs. "Hey Dan?" "What?" He replied "I'm excited for tonight too." "Aww I love you." "Love you too." I said and then Cat, Pj, and Dans mum returned. "Alright boys cover your eyes and Cat and Pj will lead you to the landing. I closed my eyes and I felt Pj lead me up the stairs. After he let me go I stopped and heard the heavy breathing of my boyfriend.

"Three, two, one! Open your eyes!" Dan's mum said and I opened to see the face of my beautiful boyfriend. "Hey..." he said "You look amazing." "Wow, thanks you look, wow." I replied. He looked breathtaking. We leaned in to kiss but Dan's mum blurted out "Picture time!" And we went downstairs. "Later." He mouthed to me and winked.

We took a group picture. Me and Pj did the same pose while Dan and Cat matched their poses as well. Then it was time for a funny one. Dan and I stood back to back and did peace signs while Pj picked Cat up princess style and she gave two thumbs up. We all did weird faces as well. Then it was a picture only for Dan and I. We put our arms around each other's shoulders and smiled, after a fringe check of course.

We all said goodbye and got in the car we rented for prom. "You all have fun, but not too much fun okay!" Dans mum yelled to us all. We all laughed but Dan was bright red blushing. Me and Dan were sitting in the back seat while Pj drove with Cat on the passenger side. "Dan, is it later?" I asked and he gave me a quick peck on the lips.

10 minutes later I was jumping around with my group on the dance floor. "This is AWESOME!" Pj yelled and pulled Cat off to the food table.

Photograph by Ed Sheeran came on. "I love this song!" I said "Shall we then?" He asked and I put my hands on his waist "Oh!" He said scared "What's wrong Howell?" I asked "You don't want to?" I said sarcastically and pulled away and started to walk off. I felt someone take my hand and twirl me back. "Not gonna get away that easy Lester." he said back and he put his hands on my shoulders.

We danced for a while but I knew something wasn't right. "What's wrong?" I asked as I noticed he was tearing up. "Everything is, except this. My life sucked before you came along. Any person who has dated me or loved me at all has left me. Everyone has someone special, and I have you." He stated

"I haven't been completely honest. It wasn't a spur of the moment thing the night we kissed. I've had a crush on you since eighth grade." I said "But no one can control me, or us now." I said and I broke away from dancing and hugged him. He rested his head on my chest. "Phil?" He asked "Yeah?" I replied "Is this what happy is?" He asked "Dan, I think it is." "Well then Phil I want to be happy forever." He said and I saw a very rare sight.

He smiled.

A/N sorry it's so short and stupid and took so long to write. Ed Sheeran is the master of Phan songs btw.

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