Road Trip?

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Dans' POV

I was officially an adult. I practically had clung to Phil the past week and it had been amazing. Unfortunately, he was at the library so I was alone working on my master plan. A road trip across all of Europe. I thought that we could do it over the summer in the car that was Phil's and I's graduation present. I was mapping out all the places until the phone rang.

"Hello?" I said "Yes hello, are you Dan Howell?" The woman on the other end asked "Yes I am him. Is something wrong?" I asked worriedly. "Well yes, Phil Lester has been admitted to the hospital after being found unconscious on a street corner."

"Okay I'll be right there!" I said and ran 3 blocks to the hospital, crying hysterically at the situation.

"Where's Phil?" I yelled as soon as I ran in the door. I ran over to the desk "Where is my boyfriend, Phil Lester?" I said while crying quietly and laying my head down on the desk. "Oh sweetie, I'll get someone to show you to his room." She said while flipping through the book. "Zoe? Can you show this young man room 218?" She said to a young nurse and Zoe said "Okay follow me."

I followed her to the room and burst I the door. "Phil?" I said my voice breaking as I ran over to his bed. His eyes were closed and I pulled a chair over to sit right by him. "Zoe? Can you tell me what's wrong with him?" I asked her. "He was unconscious when we found him and he had a hard time breathing. After checking him out we found minor brain damage and lots of bruises on him. His memory should've fine and he will heal in time. We think he was beaten up. Is there any reason why he would be?" She asked "I'm his, " I swallowed "boyfriend... and I think some boys from our school beat him up." I said

"That would make sense..." she said "what's your name?"
"Dan, Dan Howell." I replied looking at Phil. "Well, we discovered something while examining him..." She said sadly "We think he has self harmed."

My heart broke. I thought we were in a perfect relationship, why couldn't I save him? "Can I" I started tearing up again "see?" I asked

She pointed to his left arm, I was holding his left hand. I left go, flipped his arm, and saw cuts, up and down his arm... "Thank you, can I have a moment alone though?" I asked the nurse "Yes of course" she replied and left the room shutting the door behind her.

"Phil?" I said shaking him awake. "Dan?" He said I say up to hug me. "Its you Bear."
"Don't worry Lion, I'm here." I said muffled into his shoulder. "Phil..." I said letting go. "What are these?" I said holding his arm. "Dan I swear they're from a long time ago you never did any-" I started but I cut him off "Phil" I said still crying, but with anger in my eyes. "How long ago?" "Dan let me expl-" "Phil. How. Long. Ago?" "I never stopped Dan..."

It was as good of time as ever to come clean about mine. "I shouldn't be so hard on you..." I said and showed him the many on my right arm.

We were now both sobbing into each others arms. I was laying right next to Phil and he was next to me. "I don't want to lose you..." we said at the same time. He leaned his head on my shoulder and i leaned my head on his head. He took my right hand in his left hand and we just laid there until the both of us fell asleep.

*Back at the Howell house two days later *
Phil's POV

"Dan I'm fine..."I said while he was walking me to the door. "Phil, I just want to make sure your okay." he said and I knew exactly what to do. I pecked him on the cheek... "I'm fine" I said and frolicked to my room.

I laid on my bed and glanced over at my desk... at the university letters and had the internal conflict of a lifetime.

Which one would I go to? &
How could I leave Dan?

A/N Plz don't yell at me, sorry it took so long. New chapter... somewhat soonish? Bye guys

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