Chapter 3

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Y/n Pov

I notice Syr has something in her hand.

"Whats that Syr?"

Syr:"Its a monster crystal, a adventurer dropped it running by. He was all bloody. Though I think he had white hair."

"Well if he did it should be easy to spot him, cant be that many people in the city with white hair."

Syr:"You have a point. I'll return it when I see him next."

"I have a feeling your going to do more than that but ok."

I feel a pair of arms wrap around me from behind.



Anya:"Nyaa nyaa~ nyare nyu doing with Syr nya~?"

"Just talking about some rookie that ran by covered in blood."

Anya:"By nye way nyare nyu thinking nyabout nyaccepting loki's nyoffer?"

"I like Loki but im not sure about joining her familia."

Anya:"Nyu want to stay here with mewn dont nyu nya~?"

I blush a bit before turning my head.

"As much as I like working here, I do want to be an adventurer."

Anya was about to say something before Mama Mia interrupted her and said something causing both of us to blush.

Mama Mia:"If you two have to flirt do it where everyone cant see."

Looking around we see all the Hostess of Fertility staff staring at us, some with teasing grins others with smiles giggling, even Ryuu had a small smile, though it wasn't that noticable.

Anya noticing we had everyone's attention started blushing I decided to tease her. I hug kiss her nose causing her to develop a heavy blush.

Mama Mia:"Enough you love birds get back to work. You have dishes to wash Y/n."

*sigh* "Do I have to?"

Anya touches the gem below my lips.


Reluctantly I head towards the back and start on the dishes.

Timeskip brought to you by Anya making Y/n blush my nibbling on his left ear

Currently I'm watching Syr talking with the adventurer that ran by covered in blood and 'convincing' him to come back to the inn tonight.

"Hey Mama can I go into the dungeon today?"

Mama Mia:"Will you die?"

"Promise not too, I cant leave Anya she's too clumsy without me."


Ryuu:"He'll be fine I can assure you Mama Mia. Though you aren't to go lower than the 8th floor understood Y/n."

Mama Mia:"Alright fine get going, but first change into your other clothes."

I do just that and head off to the dungeon but not before giving Anya a kiss on her forehead causing her to blush.

When I enter the dungeon I realize I dont have a sword or any other weapon, but I shrug and continue on deciding to make my body the weapon.

Its on the fourth floor when I encounter my first monsters which are dungeon lizards three of which have swords.

I decide to make the first move by launching towards the one in the front and kick it in a face sending him towards the second one.

Is it wrong to be blessed from the heavens? (danmachi x malereader)Where stories live. Discover now