Chapter 20

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Y/n Pov

A few days have passed since I told my familia a rough description of my past. A few things have happned since. One being I met a goddess named Artemis, a virgin goddess and one of the hunt, also persides of chasity.

She didn't like me all that mush at first. I think mainly due to the fact I hugged her calling her adoreable when I first saw her.

Though she left with Bell and his party at some point, but thats not my current concern.

Y/n:"What do you mean Ryuu went miss?!"

Mama Mia:"She left somewhere not telling anybody."

I look at Mama Mia shocked while gripping the edge of the bar tightly crushing it with a million thoughts going through my mind. Finally I grit my teeth and walk out and head to the dungeon.

At the Hostess of Fertility

Syr:"Well he took that well."

Mama Mia:"He just needs to cool off, Ryuu should have told him where she was going. Though I feel bad for any poor sould to get in his way right now."

Chloe:"Isn't he not suppose to go into the dungeon alone.

Mama Mia:"Not like anyone but Anya or maybe May had the power to stop him."

Anya:"Stop who nya?"

Mama Mia:"Y/n is going into the dungeon alone, and I reckon he's mad."

Anya:"About Ryuu nyi guess?"

Mama Mia nods signaling she guess right. Anya just sighs in response and sends a message to the Loki familia and Tsubaki.

Meanwhile with you on the 24th floor.

Y/n grabs a mammoth fool by its horns and slams it repeatedly on the ground until it dies.

Y/n:"Im still mad..."

I spot the bloody hive still on the 24th floor. But before I can do anything a hobgoblin charges me but a high kick quickly deals with it.

Y/n:"Better not, mad I may be, but doesn't mean im stupid enough to get myself into further trouble with the girls."

With a sigh and me finally calming down I start to head back out of the dungeon, but as I turn around I see Tiona, Tsubaki, Narvi, Rakta, and Alicia.


Tsuabaki walks up to me and somehow seems to be staring down at me. Confusing since im 6'0 and she's 5'7.

Tsubaki:"Y/n I thought I made the rules clear. You are not suppose to go into the dungeon without one of us."

Y/n:"I just needed to cool off, before I destroyed in the city or someone."

Tsubaki then picks me up and carries me.

Tsubaki:"I know your worried about Ryuu, but thats no excuse to make us worry about you."

Tiona:"Yeah, and besides im sure she'll comeback in a day or two. If she doesn't lets tear apart the whole city until we find her."

Narvi:"As much as I dont like you, I...rather,,,not.... beforecedtoworryaboutyou."

She said rather quickly but I understood what she said after a moment of thinking, and when I do I rush her and envelop her in a bear hug much to her protest.

Y/n:"Aww you do care about me! Thanks you loveable cherry."

The loveable part of the sentece turned her into a full cherry."

Is it wrong to be blessed from the heavens? (danmachi x malereader)Where stories live. Discover now