Y/n at Chaldea

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(This is no way related to the story, just for fun. Tell if you want a part two.)


"Gudako, huh....."

I stare at my master as she nervously looks at me. After a second of staring I give her a wide smile.

"The names Y/n, beserker."

Gudako:"Its nice to meet you Y/n."

Walking up to my master I hug her and lift her off the ground in a tight bone crushing hug instead of shaking her hand.

Gudako:"Need.... air.... ribs.... breaking...."

Gudako taps my back rabidly and I set her down and she takes deep breaths of air.

Gudako:".... lets go introduce you to the other servants."

"Need another hug?"

Gudako:"Im good.'

She says quickly with a nervous chuckle at the end.

We leave the room and are heading towards the cafeteria as she told me.

Entering the cafeteria I see alot of servants. Hercules, Medusa, Frankenstein, Oda Nobunaga(multiple versions), Cu Chulainn, Jeanne D'arc, Iskandar, Merlin, Mordred, Nursery Rhyme, Jack, Gilgamesh, and Artoria's, etc.

My eyes settle on the table that has all the versions of Artoria as the cafeteria starts to quiet down and all eyes settle on me. Eventually the Artoria's turn their eyes towards me and my eyes lock with the lancer version.

She gets up and walks towards me and stops infront of me and everyone is staring between the two of us wondering whats about to happen.

But I quickly cut the building tension with a bone crushing hug that she returns despit me picking her up off the ground and spinning her.



Everyones staring at us with confusion but I dont bother to register it.

Gudako:"H-How do you two know each other?"

Artoria/Y/n:"We're lovers."


"Met during a grail war, but my master got killed and her master could support two, and thats how we met and the rest is history."

Gudako:"I see..."

Just then I feel two tugs on each of my arms and look down to see Jack and Nursery Rhyme.


"Theirs my little surgeon." I say while lifting Jack up and putting her on my shoulders.

I pick Nursery Rhyme up aswell and she smiles as I hold her.

Looking around after my eyes scan the room until I find who I'm looking for. The said person wearing red is looking away.

She looks up and her eyes meet mine. She seems to curse to herself before getting up and making her way over to me, as she does I hand Nursery Rhyme to Artoria.

Mordred:"Hi papa..."

"There's my little dragon!"

I pick her up and throw her in the air and catch her much to everyone's suprise, specifically one of the Artoria's, a saber version I think.

Mordred:"Stop throwing me! I'm not a child!"

I catch her again and grin.

"Sure little rebelious dragon." I say booping her nose.

She swats my hand away and I laugh and I see her mouth twitching upwards.

Finally putting Mordred down I turn to my master.

"So master what now?"

Gudako:"Well their is still the other servants to introduce you too."

My eyes snap to the other servants as I remember the reason we were here.

"Oh right. The names Y/n, a Beserker. Guardian of Quetzalcoatl's temple." 

Frankenstein comes up to meet and hugs me.

"Good to see you again Frankie." I say patting her head. "Want to spar Hercules?"

One by one the servants introduce themselves to me and by the end of it I'm sitting with my Artoria with the knights of the round table.

Artoria was sitting on my right and Mordred on my left. Jack and Nursery were on my lap.

Gawain:"So Y/n is beserker the only class you can be summoned as?"

"Saber probably. I did have a sword, but I wouldn't count on it."

Artoria(S):"Are you not concerned about not having a weapon?"

"Haven't met any bones thats aren't shatterable."

Lancelot:"Spoken like a true beserker. You're physical strength must be impressive'"

Artoria:"It is. He once picked up an entire house and threw it at another servant."

"He should've stop throwing spells at me."

Mordred:"Did it work?"

"Yeah. Hit the master too."

Artoria:"The master was in the house."

Morgan:"How burtish."

I turn to the scource of the voice and see Morgan le Fay. My eyes narrow at her.

"Touch my wife or daughters I toss you into the sun." I say putting a protective arm around Mordred, Jack and Nursery.

Morgan:"She's my creation."

As soon as she says the I feel Mordred tense and glare at Morgan.

"That's it." I say and get up.

Grabbing Morgan's arm before she could do anything I toss her with all the force I can muster out the window cracking the ground around me.

Gudako:"Y/n why'd you throw her."

"No one insults my daughter."

Raikou:"He's such a doting father."

Tiamat next to her nodded agreeing with her.

Raikou:"Wonder if Artoria is willing to share..."

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