Chapter 22

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Y/n Pov

Waking up to Mordred sleeping ontop of me Ais however seems to have left. Which im grateful for, but I will still have to explain to Mordred that Ais isn't her mom.

I get up while carrying a sleeping Mordred. I dont really need to change since im wearing the clothes I usually wear.

Suddenly Loki burst into the room, but before she can yell I send a glare at her making her hold her hand over her mouth. Loki not yelling assess the room and notices the reason she was going to yell missing.

Loki:"Wait wheres Ais?"

Y/n:"Her room I guess, now is that all. Mordred is still asleep."

Loki then takes a good look at me and sees me holding a sleeping dragon Mordred who looks peacefully asleep with her head on my shoulder. Only one thing goes through her head.

Loki:'Definetly father material.'

Y/n:"If your going to stand there staring like an idiot at least close the door."


Loki:"Hey! She just called me an idiot in her sleep!"

Loki shouted waking Mordred up. Who glared at Loki along with me. Loki let out a eep before she runs away fast.

Mordred looks at me and her stomach growl.

Mordred:"I'm hungry Papa."

My stomach then growls louder than hers.



I put her on my shoulders and run to the lunchroom. We may have knokced over some people in the process, but in the pursuit of satiating our carnivorous appetite it didn't matter.

Timeskip brought to you by the Loki familia watching Y/n and Mordred drain their meat supply

Currently we're sitting inside the meeting room in the Twilight Manor.

Y/n:"Ok listen Mordred Ais isn't your mother. Got it."

Mordred:"But then who is?"

Y/n:"A woman named Artoria. You look just like her."

Mordred then looks at Ais confused.

Ais:"He's right. I am not your mother."

Mordred then gets a look of understanding.

Mordred:"Big sister!"

Finn chuckles at her deduction while some of the others laugh.

Mordred:"But wheres mommy?"

I start to think about a answer to that but thankfully Ryuu walks into the room turning the attention to her.

Ryuu:"Y/n can we talk somewhere private?"

Y/n:"Yeah sure, Mordred why dont you hang out with Riveria."

Mordred nods happily as she goes to sit in Riveria's lap.

I get up and walk with Ryuu in silence to my room.

Ryuu:"Tsubaki told me what happened in the dungeon yesterday."

I stay silent and stare out the window.

Ryuu:"And I will admit it was wrong of me to go off without notifying anyone. I'm also sorry for worrying you. I didn't know of your past."

Y/n:"None of you did, but now you all do. Listen Ryuu I know you are strong but could you please tell me next time you have to leave somewhere?"

Ryuu:"I promise."

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