Chapter 3

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Fangirl moment over, back to writing.

I get woken up by everyone in my room yelling the lyrics to 'Happy Birthday'. "Shut up" I groan sitting up, "by the way, how did you know it's my birthday?" I ask trying to remember if I told them "you left your phone out in the kitchen, and your friends texted" Jack explained and my eyes widened "did I have any notifications?" I ask "I don't think so..." Jack says and I sigh in relief.
"So what do you want to do today?" Tom asks "nothing" I shrug falling back into bed "what, why?" Jack asks sitting on the end of my bed "celebrating birthdays are celebrating days closer to death!... It's pretty depressing if you ask me" I sigh "c'mon we can invite a few people around, play a few games. It'll be fun!" I was about to say no... then Jack pulled the cutest face "...fine" I pull a pillow over my face to hide the blush spreading across my cheeks.

"So how old are you?" Hazel asks sitting next to me "22" I answer bluntly "what's your deal?" She says focusing on me "pardon?" I say not sure if she was insulting me or not "well you are very closed off, from what I can tell, and you do have these little bursts of who you actually are but you close yourself up again..." Great, this can only end well... "I-I don't know what you mean" I stutter clutching my cup tight "you know you can talk to me right?" She says and I mentally roll my eyes. Yeah, sure I can talk to you, but once I trust you enough to do so you'll leave... Just like everyone else. I quickly gulp down the rest of my juice "I'll be right back" I politely smile leaving Hazel alone.
Soon enough I'm back on the couch, but Hazel is nowhere to be seen. Thank god.

"How's the party going" someone asks, "meh" I mumble back not focusing on them but on my cup. "If you stare at that thing any harder it'll explode" they joke and I let out a small laugh "you gotta start somewhere" I shrug finally looking up to see Jack. "I know I'm handsome but you don't need to stare" Jack says and I look away a small blush running across my cheeks. "Your cute when you blush" Jack smiles, not meaning it to sound like he was flirting, I look behind me for a second "oh man, your delusional Jack there's no one behind me blushing" I shake my head a little tutting, and he throws back his head letting out a loud laugh "that's a good one" he smiles.
"So why did you move to England?" Jack asks. "One, youtubers and Two, I have a few friends off the internet that live here" I shrug "you moved here... because of youtubers?" Jack asks sounding confused "yeah well, most of my favourite youtubers live here and if I ever got to meet them I would want to say thanks for-" I cut myself off realising that Jack was on the list of youtubers I wanted to thank. "For..." Jack says motioning his hands in a 'go on' movement, "never mind" I smile looking back down at my cup. "And there you go again trying to make your cup explode" Jack smiles "well I could always try it on a person" I jokingly suggest, "you know I can make people explode" Jack says looking off into the distance, "oh yeah? How?" I ask raising my eyebrows "all I have to do is record myself then upload it to YouTube" he grins looking back at me "your full of yourself, you know that?" I say and Tom yells "I'D BET YOU'D LIKE TO BE FULL OF HIM!" Making everyone go quite and stare at us and Tom. My cheeks heat up as everyone awkwardly goes back to what they were doing, "you were just waiting for your moment weren't ya?" Jack asks and Tom nods looking quite proud.

Later as I'm texting one of my friends Tom sits next to me "....yes?" I ask locking my phone to make sure he doesn't see my messages "a few people are gonna crash tonight, so you may need to share a bed with someone" Tom warns and I nod, "that's okay I guess... but who would I be sharing with?" I ask and Tom grins "Jack!" He exclaims "your wayyyyyy to excited about this" I laugh.
I knock on Jack's bedroom door "come in!" He yells, "uh hi" I say opening the door... to a shirtless Jack. "Tom said that we had to share" I say trying to avoid looking at his body "yeah, uh sure" Jack smiles seeming a bit nervous "but why don't you share with Amber?" I ask "she had a late shift at her job" Jack says and I nod.
"Night" I say into the darkness "night" Jack says back, and I can't help but smile.

I meant to post this on my birthday, but then we got Netflix and I started to binge watch SAO... And then I forgot...
And I'm already writing the next chapter, so a new one will be out by this week.
I want to dedicate this chapter to both: YouTube_Forever24 and omlfuturehearts for voting and commenting.
Also, I'm officially 13! Although I don't really feel 13...
Thanks for reading!

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