Chapter 10: The Morning After

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Y/n's POV:
The sun had risen to a beautiful view out of the window of the shrieking shack. But I lay curled in a ball on the floor, pain running through me and a extreme wave of sickness, it's nothing like I could explain. I would be in pain, then feeling sick, the back in pain. It was a vicious cycle, the gash I created on my arm caused more pain, it was bleeding still, it was red and very painful to touch. All I want is to get out of here as quickly as I can, but I can't really walk unattended.

I tried to replay the nights events, but like after every transformation, the last thing I could remember is the shudder once I've physically transformed. How will the twins react? I ran away from them last night! I had no proper excuse. I'm so busted! I thought to myself. Every month would be the same, I'd be curled up somewhere in the shack waiting for Poppy to come get me and take me back to the castle and get signed off of lessons for 2-3 days after. It's how it always goes.

To my relief I heard the click of the trapdoor unlocking, then a creek and footsteps wandering around the lower floor, and I heard a familiar voice call for me.

"Where are you Y/n?" Poppy called.

"I'm upstairs." I tried to say normally but came out as a loud whisper. The sound of the footsteps grew louder and louder until Poppy Pomfrey stood in the doorway and gasped at the condition I was in.

"Merlin y/n. What happened?" She asked panicked as she quickly got out a bandage and supplies to clean the wound.

"I don't know Poppy. I tried to remember. I tried. But I can't remember!" I whispered as a single hot tear escaped out my eye and rolled slowly down my cheek and dripped onto the cold hardwood floor.

"This may hurt y/n" Poppy said as she took some antiseptic and began to clean the largest wound I inflicted on myself last night. A loud wince escaped my lips and more tears poured out of my eyes.

"I hate this Poppy." I muttered. "I've had enough of being a monster."

"Y/n dear, your not a monster." She said whilst beginning to clean the smaller injuries on my body. "I know it's hard but your amazing about it. And very strong."

"Thank you Poppy" I said with a small smile.

There was silence between the two of us whilst Poppy wrapped the bandage around my largest wound and some smaller ones. Tears didn't stop coming from my eyes, pain still flowing through my body and it probably won't for the next 3 days.

"Are you ready to go?" Poppy asked as she packed her supplies away.

"Yes, more than ready. I just want to lay in my bed. Please" I begged as I tried and failed to stand up. I fell back down and winced from the pain coming from my legs.

"Y/n I have a stretcher." Poppy said as she grabbed it from the wall.

"No Poppy. I want to try to walk." I said. Again trying to stand up but using a random chair as support.

"Okay okay. But the stretcher will be right behind you if you need it." Poppy said as she bewitched the stretcher to float behind me. She slung her arm around my waist and I took hers as an attempt to keep me standing. We began to slowly walk out of the room. Finally.

"Thank you Poppy." I said with a small smile as we began to walk down the stairs and towards the trapdoor of the secret passageway.

We climbed through the trapdoor, I clutched a random tree root whilst Poppy was locking up the shrieking shack. She once again helped me walk down the passageway and back towards the castle. It took us about 20 minutes to get through. This is because of my slow waddling and occasionally stopping because I felt like I was going to be sick.

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