Chapter 20: The First Meeting

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Y/n's POV:
It's been the best week of my life, dating Fred has been amazing, we're planning on telling George and Teddy in the morning. Right now me and Fred are laying out in the garden where we became a couple, the stars illuminated the night sky and we stared in awe.

"Love?" Fred asked, I turned to see his face, his hazel eyes staring into mine.

"Yes Freddie?" I replied with a smile.

"Do you remember the first day we met, back in first year?" He said looking back at the stars with his mouth slightly open.

"Of course I do!" I replied with a small chuckle as I remembered the day I met the twins.

September first 1989, first day at Hogwarts.

Teddy has told me lots about the historic castle, and how much I would love it. During his first year I missed my older brother insanely. It's like my best friend was gone, the days became long and boring and transformations seemed more sad. To the point where other children told me I wasn't important and he couldn't be there to defend me.

I hardly slept that night, I was so excited to see the castle and to see what house I was in. I wanted to be in Hufflepuff like Teddy and mum, or Gryffindor like my dad. I couldn't decide. It was 5:00am when I climbed out of bed, checking my trunk had everything in it, making sure I had my new wand and books and my robes laid neatly on top, ready to change on the train. I ran downstairs to see my dad up early drinking a cup of coffee.

"Good morning Pup, your up early. Care for a hot chocolate?" He asked me as I entered the kitchen, still in my pyjamas.

"Yes please dad! I know I'm up early, I'm excited for starting Hogwarts!" I squealed with excitement. Dad handed me the hot chocolate and I took a sip and letting the warmth take over.

"I can see that." Dad chuckled to himself. "What house do you want to get sorted into?"

"Either Hufflepuff like mum and Teddy, or Gryffindor like you. Maybe your in Gryffindor because your brave enough to survive the transformations!" I said happily as I took a crumpet that dad gave me for breakfast.

"That may be a good point, just know that I'd be happy with whatever house you're in." Dad smiled to me as I took a bite.

Soon after, Teddy came bounding down the stairs with mum close behind. My older brother immediately wrapped me in a hug and both our parents smiled at the sight.

"YOU'RE GOING TO HOGWARTS! YOU'RE GOING TO HOGWARTS!" Teddy screamed as he jumped up and down whilst still clinging onto me.

"That's enough now Teddy, eat your breakfast." Dad said firmly, Teddy automatically let go of me and took a seat next to me and began to eat the crumpets that got placed in front of them.

"Are you excited for Hogwarts Y/n/n?" Teddy asked as he calmed down.

"Of course I am! I get to be with you all year!" I said, that was one reason why I was excited to go. I decided to not tell him about the other, the children making me feel like I'm not important.

A hour or so passed and it was 7:00am, last year we left at 9:00am because we have to drive quite a way into London when we took Teddy to the platform at the start of his first year.

"How about you two get ready, we're leaving in a couple of hours." Mum said to us. Teddy's hair turned pink, that's to show when he is excited or happy.

"Okay mum!" We both said.

Me and Teddy ran back up the stairs, leaving our parents laughing downstairs at the speed we went at. I ran into the bathroom to brush my teeth and brush my hair, hiding the main scar with my hair. I then went into my bedroom to change into a dress and some sandals, muggle clothes that I love. I packed the remaining things into my trunk and checking about three times that I had everything. Once I did I took one look in my mirror, immediately noticing the five scars on my face. A feeling of dread came over me. It will be the first time where I transform without dad, in a unfamiliar place and alone. I also hoped that nobody will find out what I am, but wanting friends that would support me regardless, even if they know nothing. After I packed I closed my trunk, grabbed my owl, Ivy. She was a barn owl with thick feathers and beautiful amber eyes. I carried my trunk and Ivy down the stairs where my family were waiting for me.

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