•Part 1•

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Brailyn pov:

I wake up in jb's truck we were currently heading to school with a trailer attached with our horses in it today is the day that we're going to finals for high school rodeo I'm doing barrels and he's doing bulls and team roping "bj wake up we're here" jb says waking me up he calls me bj cause my name is Brailyn June he's the only one the calls me that everybody else etheir calls me bray sissy or my name

We get out and walk into school to the ag room
That's where we hang out until we have to leave for the ride to Oklahoma it's not long but anyways we hang out in there I get on snap and then my bestie walks in her name is Blake and her bf name is weston him and jb are good friends so we normally all hang out with each other at the rodeos "hey gorgeoussss" Blake says walking in I smile "heyyy"she comes over to me and sits in my lap "stole your gf Weston" I say and laugh "hey we're about to load up y'all all have y'all's things right" rudolf comes in he's our ag teacher that has to deal with us we have toher people in the rodeo area from our school but we don't talk to them a lot we all nod our heads yes and we head out "can you get me a water out of the cooler" jb asks me I say nod my head get him a water. And get into the truck and he is on his phone "here" I hand him the water he says thank you and we get on the road

2 hours into the road trip I get a text from tuff I long ass paragraph saying we shouldn't be together your always with jb and he cheated on me "what the fuck"I say anyways tuff was my current boyfriend now ex "what" I hand him the phone and he reads the text I get teary eyed I try not to mess up my mascara jb hands me my phone "he's dead to me that's fucking ridiculous" he says and looks over to me and sees that I'm like almost breaking down cause he new how much I cared for him he rubs my back and he stops at a gas station get out and comes to my side of the door and hugs me that's why I always loved jb he was with me when my dad died he might not look like a softey but he is with me and I just love him for that

We were back on the road and he lifted my mood up now we were dancing to music well I was he was just laughing at me tuff was actually coming on this trip and I did not want to see him "you should let me drive" I say "absolutely......not" he says "whyyy not" I say back "cause this is my baby but I guess I will let you for the rest of the way" he says I smile and peck him on the cheek we get out and change spots pme and jb always had this connection he's really protective over me and I am obviously proctective over him also we've also dated before but broke up now we're just really good friends and we have our moments here and there we might fuck each other from Time to time Oop didn't say that

We got to the fair grounds where the rodeo is being held k pulled in right by Blake's trailer I go into jbs living quarter part of his trailer and get my jacket off of the bed and go get jb so we can register

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