Brailyn pov :
We get into the truck and go to the hotel room I had the instant urge to throw up I went and threw up jb came in and held my hair "you alright baby" I shake my head no I just feel tired and wanting to throw up "bella wants to sleep with my parents I said that was alright so she is over there now" I nodded my head I got up and brushed my teeth and j showered and changed jb was in bed already I climbed in and laid on him "what bull do you ride tomorrow" I ask "percolator then bush whacker the next day" he says looking down at me smiling I grin a little "you know you don't have to go tomorrow if you sick" he says "but I don't wanna miss your rides j have t missed one yet" I said "babe if you don't feel good I'm not letting you go you need to rest it's fine you can watch it live or FaceTime my dad and mom can handle Bella" he says "are you sure" I look up to him with worry on my face "yes bray I'm sure I love you and I know you don't feel good" he says then kisses then I fall asleep
I wake up from jb gettin ready and about to leave "babe I'm leaving j love you get better my parents have Bella and I already gave them her stuff" he says and I nod and he pecks my lips I heard the door close and then I fell back to sleep
It's currently 12 I get a FaceTime call from jbs phone and Bella pops up "hey mommy are you feeling better" she says I smile "yes now that you called me has daddy came out yet" I ask since he already rode "yes he's talking to dale" she says "bella what are you doing with my phone oh hey babe are you feeling better" he asks me "yes you can see a little bump forming I ate lunch now I'm just missing y'all" I say "we'll thats good that your feeling better hey atleast tmw is the last day and we find out who the championship goes to" he says I nod my head and say good by to them bella kissed the phone and I kissed it back and smiled then hanged up
They just got back to the hotel room bella came In and jumped on the bed and huggged me "how was your day" I asked Bella " we'll first me and daddy mawmaw and pops had breakfast then we watched daddy ride then I played with Kaylee and we had ropes and we roped eachother then I hanged out with daddy by the chutes and watched the bulls" she's says fast "I bet that was fun did daddy ride good" I ask her " yes he did he went 90 that's what uncle dale taught me" she said and j laughed "how about you go tell daddy to put you some night clothes on the come cuddle with me" I said and she nodded her had and raced to the bathroom to change then she raced back out " hey mommy can we watch some barrel races" bella asked me I nodded my head and put on a race from the nfr last year "woahhh she's fast" bella said as Hailey kinsel finished he race "mhm that's gonna be you someday and you gonna get taught by me when you get older huh" I said and she said mmhmmmm

•Highschool Sweethearts• jb Mauney
RomanceBrailyn and jb are best friends who rodeo together do everything together they go through there up and downs now they realize they have feelings for each other ⚡️💋🌵♠️