Brailyn pov:
"If you wanted my attention you could've just came up to me you hoe" I yell she turns around and tuff comes up with her all bowed up "do something yoh lil whore" she says I hand my bag and drink to Blake as she already trying to get ready if she needs to jump in as j do this the boys finally comes up cause we ran off without them "oh look it's the little bitch" tuff says to jb "what the fuck did you say" jb says walking up to him walking up beside me "I said hey look it's the little bitch"tuff says as he pokes his chest then jb pushes him trying knock his balance off the girl tried to push jb back I pulled her and pushed her to "aww look who's the little bitches now" I say with the puppy dog face she tries to slap me but I punch her as she tries to slap me key words tries to tuff went down to catch his new gf I try to walk over her again but jb pulls me back and we get on our way back to our trailers "recorded that whole thing" Blake says and we laugh
Me and jb walk into our trailer saying good night to Blake and Weston I get out my nice button up shirt that I will be where long tmw for barrels then my boots and just throw them in the floor jb just took of his shirt and put shorts on and got in bed "babeee come to bed" he says I laugh "im coming" I say and crawl up there since it's kinda short roof so I have to watch my head I lay my head on his chest we say our pray goodnight and then we fall asleep
I wake up before jb I go outside and feed the horses for the Day I take out my horse and put cream in his spine and hind legs and wrap them in Saran Wrap then his actual polo wraps I walk back in and jbs up "morning handsome" I say "mornin" he says and smiled at me he was getting his button up in and jeans the spurs his cowboy hat and everything I start to get dressed myself j put my makeup on then. Jb complains that I don't need blah blah I do it anyways I'm done I put my jeans in and tuck my shirt in I put my boots on my spurs are already on them I put my belt on then head and saddle my horse I go first then jb has to do bulls Blake is also doing barrels so we walk our horses up there together I say by to jb he was gonna be there soon he just had to saddle his horse cause right after bull riding he has to do team roping with Weston the Weston has to do broncs right after that and the championships are tonight so we will see who wins me and Blake walk up to the arena "hey lil mamas how y'all doing" we ignore them "at we talking to y'all what's y'all's number" they say again "we have boyfriends and they will beat your asses by" I say and we walk away I get on my horse and start warming up my horse Blake's horse was acting up werid cause he never acts up they call for barrel racers I was first I drew out of the bucket and got first so they called my name and I shot out of the alley way and do the pattern I don't mind if I didn't get 1st I'm not going to college so I won't mind by the run was clean it was Blake's turn she went around the first and second then third her horse just started bucking rapidly bucked her off she got up fast and recovered and went to find her horse to calm hi
Down I walked up to her "she fucking drugged my horse". She says "what and the actual fuck"we're beating her ass after broncs and bulls tho

•Highschool Sweethearts• jb Mauney
RomanceBrailyn and jb are best friends who rodeo together do everything together they go through there up and downs now they realize they have feelings for each other ⚡️💋🌵♠️