•Part 20•

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Bella pov:

We knock on my dads and then run away to see what he would "y'all little hellions Ik y'all there" he said I and me and Lacey just busted out laughing we walk in to there room and jump in there bed "so when we leaving" Lacey said "right now actually" my mom said I put jagger on my shoulder and we went down to the truck Lacey went with her parents we went to a restaurant and the kids had there own table and we were all playing games and laughing "I say we should ask our parents if we can all go by ourself on the strip cause you know it's more fun" Lacey says and we all nod "omg Lacey bro that girl called me in the truck and I told her to fucking leave me alone and now she apparently is here now" I say and Lacey rolls her eyes "she's a bitch"

We got done eating and we were on the strip now and we left our parents we were currently just walking and I saw that girl and she was staring right at me "what the fuck do you want" she says "why's re you here" I say sipping on my drink "for the jwf obvi I ride" she says "tf you do" I say back "whatever bitch get out of my face" I say and I walk away we all walk out and we ran back into our families and they tell us we have to go back to the hotel so we walk different ways cause we all parked weird we get into the truck and go back to hotel and I go to the room and get into Nike pro shorts and a cameo shirt "we got drinks" Parker says walking in "what kind" I ask "caprisuns" he says back and I laughed I sit by Parker we have been talking recently we have always been really goood friends we always rodeoed together and we're protective over reach other "bella you wanna come with me and wyatt to the 'gym'" Lacey asks and I said yes Parker is coming to and we go down to the lobby area and we go to the game room type place Parker pulls me to the aside and kisses me "what was that forr" I say "idk I've been wanting to do that for a while now" he said and j laughed we hung out the rest of the night and then went to bed around 3

I wake up and put my monster shirt on with some of my limes jeans then j put my boots and spurs on everybody else was up and ready I walk to my dads room and go in there "dang girl yoh look tired" my dads say and he laughs "mom can you put my back number on" j ask her and she she says yes "so guess what" I said "what" she said back "me and Parker kissed last night" I said she gasped and laughed "aww my baby" she said "we gotta go" my dad said coming into the room

Brailyn pov:

"So when me and Bella were talking she told me her and Parker kissed" I said to jb "oh really" he said and smirked "yes but you know how we were when we were little so don't say anything" j say as I point my finger at him and he laughs "I won't j promise" he says and we laugh "if you would please stand up and look towards the the middle of the arena as we have Bella Mauney sing the national anthem and to pray"

Bella pov:

I just sang the national anthem and now I'm praying
"Please bow your heads and take hats of God we pray you keep everyone in this arena safe tonight from the bull riding to the roping We would ask today, Lord, that you be with us in this rodeo arena as we pray you will be also with us in life's arena. As cowboys, Lord, we don't ask for any special favors in this arena today. We only ask that you will let us compete in this event, and in life, as You did for us. Amen" I say everyone claps and I go back to my horse where Lacey is and she is tearing up and I go and hug her "that just reminded me of lane" she said lane was our younger friend who died in a car crash 3 months ago he was really dear to our hearts "I know but we know he's up in the sky watching over us with god" I say and she smiles "this is why I love you b" she said and we get on our horse to wait for our turn

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