•Part 14•

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Bella pov: I was turning around the second barrel I did what mom told me to do and something gets thrown at me I felt it hit my shoulder but j kept going I looked and it was that dude from when my dad won his first world title in the pbr I think his name is tuff idk my dad don't like him and what ever he thrown at me hit me really hard I'm surprised it didn't spook rio I fjnsish the barrel pattern and wait for Lacey to get done

Brailyn pov:

"Hold the fuck up what just got thrown at her" I say mad when she was turning around the second barrel something hit her shoulder we watch Lacey run unfortunately she hit a barrel so she won't be going to the second which sucks I hug Blake and them by and go down to see Bella "it was him momma"she said "who" jb said "that guy that was about to hurt her" she said I widen my eyes it was 5 months ago tuff tried to hurt me he had a knife and was choking me and Bella was behind me I didn't tell anyone cause he said if I did he would do something more "he HURT YOU" jb said looking really mad I tried to talk but he left and went to find tuff

Jb pov :

Why didn't she tell me honestly off at this point I don't care I'm going to find tuff and beat the fuck out of him "first you hit my wife that I didn't know about then you try to HURT MY DAUGHTER while she is on a horse that flips out a lot " I said yelling at uff going around to his truck and punch him and just beat the crap out of him then someone pulls me off it was Weston "hey come on walk off don't let him ruin your career bella thinks she did something wrong dude" he sad I got up and walked off pissed

Brailyn pov:

Jb just walked off "mommy did I do something wrong" she said "no baby you didn't do ever think that daddy will be back" I say to her i have tears welling up in my eyes but I don't want to cry I front of her Blake took jagger and she was just talking to Lacey in the corner then I see jb walking towards our " hey why don't you go see aunt b real quick see jagger" I told her and she pulled rio with her jb walked up to me and j hugged him and started balling my eyes out "why didn't you tell me" he asked
"Cause when he hit me and choked me he said I would end up in worst conditions and he would hurt bella or jagger next" I said hicccuping "babe you know I told you tell me things like that I could've did something before hand he's going to jail now" he said "I know I'm sorry I just didn't know what to do" I say he holds me tighter "calm down babe ok go to the truck and get your medicine cause I know you can get worked up I'll grab jagger and Bella" he says and I nod

Jb pov:

"Hey we're going home go ahead and go unsaddle your horse" I say to Bella she says yes sir and goes to her stall "thanks Weston really appreciate it" I say he says no problem "is bray ok" Blake asks me "yea she gets work up then has an axiety attack so I just told her to go to the truck so she can take a breather" I say "ok I'll check up on her later" blake says I get jagger from her I hug Lacey cause I'm obviously like her uncle and had to step up her encouragement then inleft for to go see Bella and she was now just petting rio ready for me to pick her up "bella o wanna talk to you" I say she says yes sir and listens "I wanna tell you it's not your fault every but that guy that you saw is very mean if you ever see him again tell me pops mawmaw mommy anybody and get away from him ok" I say she nods and hugs me we walk out to the truck I held Bella's hand and jagger was in my arms and I put them in the truck and then I got in "you good babe" I look at her she nods then I peck her lips

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