Brailyn and jb are best friends who rodeo together do everything together they go through there up and downs now they realize they have feelings for each other
Jagger and Cheyenne were both asleep in the backseat of the truck were in Nevada almost to the hotel we were meeting Lacey and Cameron there they had a baby girl also her name is Brinkley Martin "Jagger wake up we're here go help dad he needs you I say and he wakes up and I get out to get cheyenne and she was asleep I got her out I checked into the hotel room and set chey down and I change her diaper and put her in the midddle of the bed so she can go back to sleep I fill the draws with our clothes since we're gonna be here for 1 week tonight was the back number ceremony so we had to get ready for that
This is what me and chey wore
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Cheyenne is a small baby I got pregnant 3 months after I had her we wanted them to be close I. Age people might not like that but I don't care I put Cheyenne in her car seat and rocked her Parker texted me he was in the truck and was ready I got her and we walked down and I put her in when I opened the door jagger was recording me and I flipped his camera off and he put his hand over cheys eyes "hey that's not a nice finger" he says and I laugh I get into the front seat and we head to the convention center
We got there I got a stroller thing that attaches to the car seat "jagger push this" I say and he pushes the stroller as I get the lanterns like the vip ones out of my purse and I hand it one to jagger and Parker my dad and mom we're already in there so we go and find my mom I took back over the stroller since there's more people around I know jagger would protect her but I feel more comfy her being right in front of me we walked and came to my mom and dad "You want your jagger huh" I say to Cheyenne cause she was being fussy and I unbuckle her and hand her to jagger . Him and chey have the cutest relationship ever he always protects her plays with her cuddles with her etc "don't let anyone hold her except for Parker or mom and dad oh and Lacey I'm gonna go get a drink"I say to him and he nods "mom dad do you want anything" I ask " water" mh mom says and my dad didnt want anything I go to get the drinks
Jb pov:
"Who was that" the guy I was talking to asked "that was our daughter bella "that's Bella oh my she grew up" he says "mhm she had a girl her name is cheyenne and a boy on the way" I say "oh wow I'm so happy y'all have such a good family" he says and we say thank you bella comes back with brays drink I can tell she was looking at chey in the corner of her eye cause she doesn't wanna leave her out of her sight "you good bella" I ask her " yea he's just moving around and he won't stop moving" she says very uncomfortable "well you wanna have your mom watch Cheyenne and you can go back to the hotel room and rest" I say looking at her d sad he went and found Parker and told him I drove her to the hotel room and went back to the ceremony