•Part 5•

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Brailyn pov:

We walk out of the arena through a gate and we walk to our trailers "this halter is bad ass tho" I say " hell yeah it is" Blake says kinda drunk rn we got to our trailer and we built a small fire and we're sitting by it me and Blake are a lil tipsy they boys aren't cause the driving back home me and Blake started dancing twerking in eachother after that we passed out and went to bed.

I woke up with a major ass headache jb was cuddled up next em with his arm around my stomach I tried to get up but he pulled me back down "babe come onnn" I say and laugh "5 more min" I get pulled back down and just stare at him and take photos "now come on we have to get on the road" I say I get up and go put on some jeans and just regular shirt I put my hey dudes on and go feed the horses and put water in there buckets After I did that jb was ready to go I looked in his glovebox for Tylenol I found some and took some we got in the truck and headed back to Texas

Jb pov:

we're back in Texas and I pulled into my house my parents are moving back to South Carolina since I'm graduated they gave me the ranch knowing I will use it it's called the xv ranch there moving there stuff out  today's there last day here so we're spending time together and having a good time

4 years later:

Brailyn pov:

It's 4 years later me and jb are actually married now and had a baby girl named bella which she is he's in the pbr  and I have made nfr qualifiers every since I got out of high school but I stopped cause I was a mommy now and she needed full attention but I still ride we're currently driving to Las Vegas Nevada for the world finals for jb "babe dale is calling you" I say as he was out pumping gas dale is a good friend of ours well jb they have a company jb db bucking bulls so he's gonna be down there to I hand jb his phone so he can awnser it lately I have been feeling sick I don't know why so j think I might be pregnant idk tho he got back in the truck "you ok babe" he says "I have a headache real bad that's all" I  say " you have been throwing up latley to are you sure" he say I nod he starts driving and intertwines our fingers 

"Babe wake up we're at the hotel" jb says as he wakes me up I get up and get my suit case and Bella's jb is holding Bella and carrying his bag we go up to the room I bought a pregnancy test at the store jb knows I'm gonna go take it now since I have to pee.
I took the test jo win waiting I'm gonna be really excited if i am we have been trying for one but we haven't for a while since he's been training the rest was ready I flipped it over and it said pregnant I smiled now I know why I have been throwing up and having a head ache I smile and go out of the restroom and go by jb and show him the test and he smiles and hugs me "we have a lil jb in here" jb says as he pokes my stomach "or a lil bray bray again" I say Bella was asleep so I'm gonna tell her later

I got dressed cause tonight was the opening of the pbr where every bull rider walks in I'm friends with cooper Davis wife so I'm gonna be sitting by her Blake she's still my friend we obviously hang out but not this week cause of the pbr obvi " Bella come here please" I say she comes over and I fix her bow that put in her hair and I fix her belt buckle after I did that we headed down to the truck

We get of the truck and we go into the stadium we get our tags " I gotta go now babe your still sitting with jasper right" he says "yes I am aren't you picking your bull out today" I ask he nods yes " ok I love you, love you Bella" he says as he kisses me and kisses Bella's forehead and he leaves to go in the locker room

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