•Part 18•

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Brailyn pov:

It's been a month since jbs surgery I was currently outside working my horse I think im gonna try and qualify this year but im not sure it depends where I am I go over to the bull fighting pin and jb is in there I think he just got done bucking bulls with colt and teaching him more things I walk in to the pin and hug him from behind "what you doing" I say " I am ordering a new brace cause my old one broke the metal on that doesn't straighten my arm out" he says putting his phone away and turning around with my arms still rapped around him "he died he died" bella screamed bloody murder from the barn we sorta fast walked to the barn and Bella is crying crouched down looking at rio which does not looked good "come here bella" I said and she hugged me right "what did I do wrong I always fed him momma" she said "baby he died of a sickness it wasn't your fault" I say wiping her tears she turned around and jb was looking at her and opened her arms out for her and she goes over to him I call the vet they normally come get the deceased animal I braid rio tail and I cut it I would always do that with my horses that meant a lot to me he tear stained cheek s breaks my heart

Jb pov:

I was outside in the porch with Bella looking at horses on my phone "what kind of horse do you want " a buckskin or a blue roan" she said "do
You want a barrel horse or like a horse that can do 2 things like goat tying or pole bending" I ask Her "goat tying and barrels" she says and I nod she got off my lap and went inside then bray came onto the porch with jagger "I found a buckskin and it knows barrels already it's a barrel horse but she also want to teach it goat tying"I say to bray "ok how much is for it does she know"she asked me " no she doesn't know about it and it's for a grand" I said "I say let's buy it but for now she can ride my horse until we get that one for her" bray says and I nod

4 years later

Bella pov:

I just got out of school and my dads picking me up I'm in 8th grade now and we're on our way to pick up jagger from kindergarten "can I drive" I asked my dad "when we get in our rode you can as he puts his phone away from calling my mom and jagger gets jn the truck " hey when you both get home y'all need to clean y'all's room and pack a like 2 weeks worth of clothes  cause first we're gonna load up horses and go to dales I'm gonna buck bulls there for our company then we're gonna head to Vegas for the junior world finals for Bella and jagger your doing sheep next year they said you can start mini bulls" he says and I nod "can I dive now" I say he nods and we get out and he trades places with me I put my foot on the brake and I change gears and start going down our rode I sped up to 20 and drive the rest of the way I put it in park and turned the truck off and got out and ran  inside "mommmmm" I say trying to find her "bellaaa" she says from her room "omg I'm done with the people at school so me and lacy were walking down the hallway and these girls just bumped into us and tried to blame it on us and made a big deal bout it and now want to fight us like j would literally step over you calm down stick bug" I said while I looked through my moms jewelry "well bella all I can say is if they put there hands on you do what you gotta do but don't go causing shit cause I know you and Lacey are trouble makers" she says smirking at me and I laugh and walk out of her room

I walk in my room and get three bags out one of them is gonna be my laptop AirPods snacks water charger another one is gonna be for all of my clothes so I put my belt bell bottoms in the bag along with my toothbrush shampoo etc then I put my monster shirts and pink awareness shirts in the hang up bag so they don't crease or wrinkle and then my next bag will be of my boots and basically all the essentials I need for the rodeo and I go out them in the truck dad already got the trailer hooked up so I put in the living quarters I put my rope box backs there it had my goat ty rope int there also I'm doing only two events barrels and goat tying

I go and get my saddle and put it in the tack part of the trailer I had a saddle made after rio died made for Both events with rip rio on it I go and get my bridle and polo wraps to then I go and get my horse my parents surprised me with his name is cash I put th halter on him ride him over to the trailer as I was riding I was sending my streaks and texting a boy named Parker Hamilton he's cute or whatever anyways I load him up in the trailer and then go back inside

We're in the truck headed to dales "you piss me off stop calling to me" I said into the phone the girl that was trying to fight me "who are you talking to like that" my dad says looking at me through the mirror the girl from my school that's trying to fight me and she is calling me trying to have the last word" I say "she sounds like you in highschool" my mom says and laughs

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