Brailyn and jb are best friends who rodeo together do everything together they go through there up and downs now they realize they have feelings for each other
Today's re the actual finals of the pbr jb still sleeping jagger has been crying non stop I don't know why jb asks"is he ok babe" "idk I think he is teething cause he is never this fussy" I say back he gets up and gets dressed today is also Bella's championship also for barrels so I have to get her ready I give jb jagger and he holds him and try's to calm him down "Bella wake up babe" I say going over to her lil cot "hmm" she says "let me do your hair and gets your pants on and shirt your matching with daddy today" I say as she gets up I prude her hair out and I put it in 1 low braid that goes to the side then I put her monster shirt with all her sponsors in monster actual made a mini one that looks like jbs so its cute jagger was still crying a little bit but it calmed down jb was dressed but his shirt sang buttoned up so some of his tattoo showed "daddy what does this mean" bella said as she pointed to his waist tattoo (I know this isn't what his tattoos mean but just go with it) "it's a tattoo it was for mommy's dad your grandpa" he says and j smile "ohhhh was he nice" she asks "he was very nice but he was also tough"he says and she nods her head
Jb rides at 6 tonight so we have time until bella rides at 9 so we're probably gonna be her until 3 and then we will go over to the pbr stadium "bella we have to hurry so go get your horse ready once we get there" jb says while I was looking up the schedule like when the intro was etc "is mawmaw and pops gonna be there" Bella's asks we say yes
So we're currently in the stands they have the kids lined up ready for the intro we didn't know flints daughter was doing roping she is in the 16-17 age group so Bella stands with her most of the time when they wait down at the gate "ok ok ladies and gentlemen today is the barrel racing intro we're gonna start with 6-7 year olds" the anoucner says jagger was just playing in jbs arms. If you didn't know Bella also likes too sing she is an actual amazing singer she gets that from my dad actual cause he sang to so we told Bella the announcer is going to pull her aside from the people when there down introducing people and she is going to sing the national anthem and we haven't told her yet but she's also doing it at the pbr finals for the final night so we're excited
"Bella Mauney the daughter of jb and Brailyn Mauney she loves to ride and play with her brother and also loves to watch bull fighters with her dad that is Bella Mauney" the announcer says and we cheer "ok now we're gonna have everyone stand for the national anthem we have Bella Mauney singing it to the night
Pretend that's in a arena and this video is not mine⚠️⚠️
We all clap and the exited Bella actual climbed the where she was right in front of us people were cheering for her and she came and was being all shy "You did so good baby" I say and she smiles "bella would you want to sing for daddy at the pbr he'll be standing there with you" I ask her "sure but I'm about to run so I have to go get rio "daddy did you like my singing"she asked him "of course I did babe" he says and kisses her fore head then she goes and grabs her horse from flints daughter
Bella pov:
"MISSY MISSY GUESS WHAT!" I say running up to her "what!" She says " I'm singing at the pbr tonight for my daddy and all the other bull riders!I say exitly "that's awesome I will definitely be there" she says "kk thanks for watching rio for me" I say as I took the reins she said than you and I started to warm up my horse I stayed still in a corner saying my prayer and this lady came up to me "lil girl what you doing" she asks me "oh I'm praying I do it for every race I have" I say she scoffs and says oh "can you not disrespect me and my religion." I say "oh well your not gonna win anyways" she says "watch me bitch" I say back and walk away on my horse I started to walk into the alley way I was the last person so I had to beat 15.89
Brailyn pov:
"I wonder what they lady was saying to Bella" I say "idk but Bella walked of looking pissed" he says laughing and I nosed my head and they called Bella out and she did the pattern and she got 15.20 we all jumped up in shock and we cheered really loud they called her to the middle of the arena "bella who has helped you accomplish this" "my mom and dad and this one lady back at the practicing arena my mom and dad helped me a lot they pushed me to my limits and was there with me every steps of the way and to the lady who was trying to interrupt me praying and telling me I wouldn't win look where I am" she says and I laugh "definitely your child" I said and hugged him as we were exiting the stand going to find Bella
Bella's pov:
"Momma omg guess what that lady said I wasn't gonna win and I said watch me bitch and look I won" I said "bella you can't say that to people on the regular" I said and jb was cracking up and then I finally laughed and hugged her "goodjob baby I'm super proud of you tho" I say and she hugs me then she hugs jb "hey so it's almost 5:30 and that's when there starting the intro ceremony so we need to hurry" I say we rush to the truck and get to the stadium in time we walk to the underground tunnels where all the bull riders were I said goodbye to jb and Bella and I went to find his parents to watch the opening intro
Jb pov:
"Bella so what we're gonna Do is we're gonna walk out the the center of the arena you know how there is the fire" I ask her and she nods "we're gonna walk over it then introduce the bull riders next there's gonna be a video that plays and flints gonna call you up to the big circle thing and then your gonna sing ok" I say and she nods your head "ok guys y'all are walking out hey lil Mauney" flint says and fist bumps bella
"Here are our bull riders now we're gonna play the video that we have created" the announcer says In the middle of the video "daddy it's you"Bella says and I nod my head
This is the video
"Now we would like to bring up a special guest you may know her bella Mauney she will be singing the national anthem" flint says I pick her up and set her on the round thing and hop on there it's her she wanted me to stand up there with I reminded her to take off her hat because she wanted to wear it We take our hats of and she starts singing
"And the home of the brave.." bella finishes the song and hugs me " I'm so proud of you Bella I want you to know that your growing way to fast" I say as I hug her and get down on her level "thank you" she says and hugs my neck I jumped off and grabbed Bella and put her on the ground and we walked out Insta post
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Jbmauneyxv: I got a badass daughter. Thanks for everybody who came out to tonight's event and cheered on Bella in her singing and barrels