13. Broken

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•Somewhere between emotional and emotionless•
Carmin's pov
I stood in front of Danis guitar, which was hanging on the wall. I ran my finger over it knowing I had I destroy it. I knew it was only a few more days till my time to do this was up.
I just had to do it.
It's like jumping into a cold swimming pool.
Or ripping a bandaid off.
Or breaking up with someone.
It was the same.
You just have to do it, without thinking or you know...you never will.
So with that I ripped it off the boring beige wall, pulling out the two nails it was hanging by.
With full force, lifted it above my head and smashed it into the ground. It made noises of wood breaking, strings popping, and the sound of my phone dinging.
That's when I realized, this...blackmailer. Had complete control over me. Somehow they were always watching, they know the people I love, how to hurt them, every fear I have, every smile I've ever given, every tear I ever cried, and the worst thing is... they probably have a picture of it too.
I started to get angrier.
"It's done!" I screamed out at the top of my lungs, I don't even know how I was yelling at...the blackmailer? No. It wasn't them. Myself? No. It wasn't me either.
The world? Maybe?
I threw down the broken off piece of the neck of the guitar to the ground. I grabbed my phone off the dresser and saw the message.
'Well done. -Chan'
My breath was stolen from the lungs in my chest. Chan? Chan?!
I slid down the wall, I felt betrayed. Just like I just betrayed Danni.
I felt a chill from wind. I looked over an saw my window opened. It wasn't open. Or was it?
Now I can't even remember if my window was open 3 minutes ago?!
I'm going insane.
But maybe I already was.
After a while, I heard the lock jingling. Letting me know that Danni was about to come in and her heart would be broken to pieces. Just like her guitar.
Dani walked in.
She looked confused, then upset, then furious .
"Why would you do this?!" She screamed.
I stayed quiet and decided to just let her yell at me.
"Why would you ruin the one thing I care about!" She yelled.
I blinked slowly....one thing.
"I hate you Carmin." She said beneath her overgrown bangs.
She opened the door, bumping into Chandler on the way out.
Guess he heard the yelling.
"I want to switch rooms by midnight." She said coldly.
"Why?" He says.
"Don't test me Riggs." She said pushing passed him. He walked in pushing the door shut behind him.
"What was that all about? I could hear Dani screaming down the hall."He said.
"Like you don't know already, Chan." I said referring to the letter.
"No I don't." He said firmly, easing his eyebrow at me.
I don't believe that.
He's lying to my face.
Isn't he?
His eyes traveled to the broken guitar.
"Is that? Did you? Um...okay." He said quietly, beginning to pick up pieces.
I didn't get up.
I was convinced. It had to be him, the letter couldn't be signed off Chan and it not be him.
So he made me do this, he cleans up the damage.
But the emotional damage would take longer than a few moments to clean up.
My heart was trying to fool me, telling me that it wasn't him.
The boy you love, the boy that tells you he loves you every night.
But my mind tortured me, because I knew...it was him.
Okay so I know this chapter is hella short but I'll update tomorrow so...byee

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