14. Different

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Right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairytale•
I pulled my Rolling Stones tank top on over my red stretch shorts. After I pulled my head through, I was greeted by my reflection in the mirror in front of me.
I hadn't actually looked at myself lately. Of course I've looked at mirrors everyday but I haven't studied the way I looked for a long time. I guess that could be considered as a good thing.
I put my hand to the mirror, and my reflective twin met my hand through the thin glass.
I looked hard at my face.
"Who are you?" I asked myself.
I looked completely different since I got here.
I was more filled out, but not in a bad way. My eyes weren't dead looking. My hair had grown longer.
And I wouldn't say I looked pretty but different. I've grown.
I shook my head before exiting the bathroom. I walked out into the main area of the room and laid down next to Chandler.
He was already asleep.
He seemed really tired lately, he seemed more stressed out too.
I grazed my fingers along his jawline. Just watching him sleep made me tired. I wrapped my arms around his shirtless torso and nuzzled head into his side.
His arms found their way around my back and pulled me closer. I fell asleep soon enough.
A few hours later, I jolted awake.
It was around 4 am.
I felt Chandlers fist hit me in the thigh. Probably making a bruise to form later.
He was thrashing around in his sleep.
He groaned and whimpered.
"No...please." He cried out. He had sweat and tears running down his face.
I shook him, making him groan.
"Daddy...stop! Please..." He whimpered.
"Baby, it's Carmin, wake up." I say gently shaking his side. He stopped talking but kept making noises and thrashing.
I got right down by his ear.
"Chandler you're okay, wake up." I say into his ear.
His eyes finally shot open.
His eyes were red and he breathe heavily. He was looking around the room rapidly. Like something or someone would jump out and get him if he wasn't alert. I wrapped my arms around him.
"It's okay...you're with me." I say.
A tear rolled down his cheek.
"Hey, it's okay." I say in a gentle tone rubbing his back. He turned around and faced me. He wiped his eyes even though there were no new tears.
"What was it about?" I ask.
I knew that Chandler is the type if person who likes to talk about bad things.
But to this he shook his head.
I sighed.
"Try to go back to sleep then okay?" I say pushing his sweaty hair out of his face.
He nodded and laid down.
I felt tears fall onto my shoulder.
I turned to face him.
"My dad...he...." He whimpered through tears.
"Chandler...it was a dream...you're with me now. I promise you're okay." I say running my hands over his jaw.
"It wasn't a dream. It was reality. I felt it all." He says quickly, for the first time ever. He sounded scared to me.
I grab his jaw firmly, but not enough to hurt him.
"Listen...you're safe now. You're safe with me. Nothing is going to hurt you. And if anything tries to I will protect you. Nothing will get to you when I'm here and that's a promise." I whisper kissing his forehead.
I'd never seen him like this.
He looked so destroyed, like his dad had come into the room and hurt him just then.
"I'm so scared Carmin!" He says, covering his eyes as the waterworks start again.
"Shhh. I know baby, I know." I whisper while wrapping my arms around his back. I just cradled him in my arms until he cried himself to sleep.
I sigh.
Did he always have nightmares?
I guess he only had Sam as a roommate.
Who comforted him after he woke up?
Or was he always just forced to cry himself to sleep?
Well...I guess that's one thing everyone at this school has in common.
We all are forced to cry ourselves to sleep.
It wasn't long until I woke up the next morning, at least it didn't feel like long.
I still had my arms wrapped around Chandler, his back pressed up against me.
I smiled when I saw his sleeping face. His hair was swept and tangled in front if his eyes.
His pink lips parted slightly, and his steady breathing, making his chest rise and fall.
"I love you." I whispered to him.
"I hope you love me too." I say to him even though he's asleep.
I hoped my voice saying I love you would make it into his dreams somehow. I lied on my back and played on my phone.
It had been almost 15 minutes when Chandler started to stir around.
"I- I love you too." He muttered.
Was I in his dream?
"Carmin...I love you." He said, barely audible.
I let him sleep for a few more minutes before shaking his shoulder.
His eyes slowly opened.
He lifted the right side of his face for a kiss.
I leaned down and kissed his cheek.
"Okay. Now get up." I ordered.
"Maybe I don't want too." He says with sass.
"Get up or I won't kiss you anymore." I say picking up his hand and playing with his fingers. He smirked.
"You can't even go an hour without kissing me."
"Is that a challenge Riggs?"
"You're on, loser has to buy dinner." I say squeezing his hand. I crawled over him and went to the small kitchen that was pretty much a few cabinets, a stove, and a half counter.
He rolled out of bed with a groan and walked over to me. He slid his arms around my waist and put his chin on my shoulder.
"Don't fall asleep again." I giggled, softly hitting the right side of his face. I began making coffee in the small coffee machine.
I pulled myself onto the counter top, and faced Chandler. I reached my hand out and ran my fingers along his jaw.
He did the same to me but grabbed my chin softly and pulled me down to kiss him, which I gladly did.
When we pulled away I smirked
"Guess your buying dinner." I said.
"Worth it." He whispered leaning in again.
I held his face as our lips met, my legs tangled around his waist.
He bit down on my lip softly, pulling on it begging for entrance into my mouth.
Until his phone started ringing.
He just kept going at it though.
"Answer it." I mumbled against his lips.
"No it can wait." He growled.
I sigh and pull away grabbing his phone that was a few inches away from me.
"Chandlers secretary speaking." I answer.
He huffed out a laugh and playfully rolled his eyes, grabbing a pop and walking to the couch.
"Who's this?" An annoyed boy grumbled on the other end.
"I already told you, I'm Chandlers secretary."I said as if I was trying to convince them.
"Is this Carmin?" The voice asks.
Wait what?
"Depends...who's this?" I say a little worried.
"Blake." He said.
"Blake who?" I asked.
"I'm in group B with you?" He says like a question.
He was one of the unsociable ones..at least I thought he was. Maybe he's just friends with everyone but me...
He sighed from the other end.
"If you guys want to come to a concert tonight your both invited, most of us are going." Blake says.
"O-Okay." I stutter still flustered from not knowing who he was. Chandler looked over and raised an eyebrow.
I bit my lip and stuck out the phone for him to take.
He sighed and stood up, grabbing it from me.
"Hello?" Chandler said into the phone.
I swear I could hear Blake sigh on the other end, glad to be free of that awkward moment.
To be honest..I was too.
After a few minutes I heard Chandler say
"Okay we'll see you at 10."
Guess we're going.
He sat beside me on the couch.
"So what concert is it?" I ask.
"I don't know he just said some punk band, no one I've heard of at least."
I nodded.
I rested my head against his shoulder, still tired from it be early in the morning.
I felt him stood up and I fell onto the the armrest not so gracefully.
This caused Chandler to burst out laughing.
"Get up I'm not letting you sleep all day...again" Chandler said.
I stuck out my bottom lip and pouted.
"Stop that." He laughed pushing my head gently.
He pulled on a hoodie over his jeans.
"What shall we do today Carmin?"He asks as if he were a wise man.
"We haven't gone on a date for a while." I say flatly.
"A date?" He asks.
"Yeah like just going somewhere and enjoying each other, we never seem to have time for that anymore." I say.
"Well if you want to...where do you wanna go?" He asks.
"See I want things to be how they use to...when you would have a date planned and I would be off in my own world..." I sigh as I say this.
"But that's not the way things are now I guess..."I finish.
He had sat next to me, with his elbows rested on his knees.
He sighs and switches his gaze to the floor.
"I know where to go." He said.
"You'll see." He grabbed my hand and began pulling me out of the room.
I realized I was still in my shorts and tank top.
"I have to get dressed." I say.
"Oh...okay." He says, probably feeling stupid.
I kiss his cheek and go to my dresser, then the bathroom to get ready.
I pull on my black leggings and purple and black stripe tank top before applying makeup and brushing my teeth and hair. I pull on some black converse and announce I'm ready to leave.
He looks up from his phone and nods before grabbing my hand and walking out.
Okay guys so I tried to make it longer but I felt like it was taking forever to get it out
Dm me on @Televised.Runners
Or if there's a way to send pics on here.
But I'll post the new Danni with a bio on the page so start sending!
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