8. Abuse

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•It wouldn't be called a crush if it didn't hurt•
I had some time still, I had to get to Chandler.
Who was on his phone?
What is he's hurt?
What if this is all my fault?
I ran my finger through my tangled hair.
I was 15 and I had my permit. I could just drive there right?
Illegal...but I could.
I walked into a store across the street. I saw a lot of people.
There are so many in here.
More than my class and the one above me.
I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard jingling passing me. I looked and saw keys dangling from a women's purse.
I followed her from a distance all the way to the check out line.
I carefully reached out with shaky hands and began to unclip them from her purse strap.
I heard a click and flinched but then realized I had succeeded. She hadn't noticed as I left because she was in an argument with the cashier about some clearance item.
If I would have gotten caught she didn't seem like the type of want to mess with, since she was making a fuss over not getting fifty cents off.
I walked around the parking lot hitting the unlock button at nearly every car until one finally flashed.
I put in the keys and began to drive, I saw the women coming out,digging through her purse.
I'm an awful person.
"Who are you?"A voice said from the back seat almost making me crash.
I looked back and saw a little boy maybe 5?
Shit, she had a kid.
Who leaves there little kid alone by themself?
"Um...I'm Carmin."I say
"I'm Kit." He says happily, staring down at his legs.
Maybe I should go back and give her back her car and son. Tell her why I stole her car.
Maybe she wouldn't be mad. Who am I kidding I'd go to jail.
I kept driving to the school.
After about ten minutes Kit talked again.
"Can we go get more juice?"He asked tipping over his cup showing it was empty.
I nodded.  I mean, I did steal his mom's car and kind of kidnapped him.
I pulled up to a drive through I didn't know and asked for orange juice.
As soon as we got out I figured out where I was and finally got to the school.
I turned around and faced Kit.
"This is where I live and go to school so-"
I got cut off by Kit saying
"Do I get to go in?!" He said excitedly, bouncing up and down in his car seat.
I sighed, I mean they allow children if you're their mother.
They probably wouldn't know any different.
"Sure." I say getting out and opening his door, I unbuckle all of his belts to his chair.
I picked him up and carried him in. I walk to chandler's dorm and walked in.  He stood up from his bed.
"Where have you been and why is that child in my room?" He said angrily.
I set Kit on the ground. "Go sit on on the couch Kit." I say, my body already shaking. He runs over to the comfy blue couch.
I turn back to Chandler.
"There's a lot I have to tell you, c'mon sit down baby." I say running my hand over his arm.
"I don't want to sit down!" He yelled yanking his arm away and grabbing my shoulders tightly, causing me to wince.
"You're going to tell me where you were,and you're going to tell me now!" He screamed in my face.
His breath smelled like beer.
"Chan...please just-" I said getting cut off by a stinging sensation on my cheek. I turned my face back to him.
Don't cry Carmin. Don't cry.
But I did.
I saw a glimpse of his face, looking guilty. About time he sobered up for once.
"Carmin...I-I'm sorry" he said letting go of my shoulder.
I nodded and hugged him.
I cried into his shoulder.
I always forgive him so easily. I mean it's not his fault, it's the alcohol right?
Yeah. That's it.
I know I'm making excuses for him but I just don't seem to care.
He kissed behind my ear and then pulled back.
He slid down the wall pulling me with him.
"So what happened?" He asked pulling me into him.
"Well I got taken when the intruder came in, and now I have to do some task so nothing bad happens." I say wiping my eyes.
"What's the task?" He asked setting his head on top of mine.
"I have to kill someone"i whispered.
"Or they'll kill me"
"Then you have to do it." He said
My eyes widen and I shake my head.
"Are you crazy? Or is it just the beer talking?" I snap, squinting my eyes.
"Oh are you going to go there with me?" He asks in a stern voice, crossing his arms and shoving me away from him. I watch his hands clench into fists. I look down at them, and get close to his face. Making us only inches apart.
"Do it." I whisper in a taunting tone. His eyes squeeze shut and he began to grab at his hair and force his back flat against the wall.
"You promised Chandler..." He whispers to himself. My eyes widen but I don't approach him yet.
"You're not him. You're not him." He says again, getting a little loud. I grab his arm, trying to get his hand away from his hair, which is now forcefully pulling on.
"Chandler...Chandler stop." I say quietly, attempting to calm him.
"Don't be like him. Don't be like him. Don't be..." Chandler's eyes shot open and they were red, besides the vibrant blue.
"I'm sorry Carmin. For everything." He says, grabbing me hard and pulling me into his grasp. I nod and wrap my arms around him. I feel something come between us, I look down and see Kit smiling ya the ground.
"So how did...Kit get here?" Chandler asks.
Kit looked up at the mention of his name.
I sat up and leaned into chandlers ear and whispered so Kit couldn't hear.
"I needed a car to get here, so I stole his moms keys, once I was already driving, I saw him."
"Are we ever going to find a way to give him back?" Chan asked tangling our fingers together.
"If there's ever a missing child report,then yes. If not...well, he stays here. Is that okay?" I ask carefully.
"Whatever you want babe." He says, kissing my cheek.
Told you it was the alcohol.
"How would you like it if you stayed with us for a while?" He says, looking at Kit.
"Here? And you'll be like my Mommy and Daddy?" Kit asks in excitement.
Chandler looked up and smiled at me. But my expression was far from happy.
"Well...I'm not quite sure about" I get cut off by Chandler.
"Yeah." He says with a toothy smile.
"Yay! A mommy and daddy, I've never had one of those." Kit said with a huge grin.
Me and Chan both look at each other.
Chandlers mouth just curved into a smile.
Kit stood up and starting spinning in circles giggling.

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