19. Acquaintance

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•You are what you love, not who loves you•
I feel the warm blood trickle down from my forehead. Chandler had gotten out of the car to confront the other driver. I'm dizzy. I feel as if I could pass out any second.
That's all I felt. I touch the wound on my head. I yelped out.
I got out of the car.
"Chandler... I think something's wrong." I say walking around to the back. I see him hugging someone, a girl.
"Chandler?" I ask.
He turns to face me and his eyes widen.
"I've got to get you to a damn hospital." Chandler says, walking towards me. Setting his hand on the side of my head.
"Why? I feel fine, just a little dizzy." I say, steadying myself by putting my hands on his sides. I look behind him... nobody was there. I had seen a girl.
I looked up at Chandler as he was checking out whatever injury was on my head.
"Who were you hugging?" I ask. His eyes brighten up.
"Danni! She's alive! She's-" He stops talking once he's turned around.
"W-Where'd she go?" He asks sadly.
I look at the ground.
"Chandler sweetheart, Danni is dead. C'mon you know that." I say putting my hands on his shoulders.
"No she was here! I touched her skin and felt her hair, she's alive!" He yelled and faced me once again. I didn't say anything.
I don't think he's crazy.
I don't. I'm not sure what to think.
"Get in the car, I'm taking you to the hospital." He growls and walks to the car.
I sit in the passenger seat and look into the mirror. I see a gash on my forehead and blood running down from all sides of it. Chandler begins to drive way too fast as I look out the window.
We arrived at the hospital. By this time Sam and Jane had woken up. Sam took Jane to go get food as Chandler and I sat in the waiting room.
"I'm tired." I say leaning my head in his shoulder. I hear him sigh.
"I know, I would let you sleep but the doctors said you shouldn't before they check you out." He said.
My phone started ringing, disturbing the quiet people. I looked at the caller, Sam. I answered.
"What?" I ask.
"Hey do you guys want us to get a hotel room. I think everyone's pretty tired." Sam said from the other end.
"I don't know...ask Chandler, not me." I sigh, handing Chandler the phone.
He took it and ended up agreeing.
I locked my phone and set it under my thigh.
"Do you think they love eachother?" I ask.
"Who? Sam and Jane? I don't think they love each other. Like? Yeah I think so." He says. I just nod in response. I run my fingers through my hair.
"Why? Do you think he loves you?" Chandler says, looking at me.
I laugh a little.
"No. That's not up to me. It's not up to me who loves me. Hell, it's not even up to me who I love. I wish I had more sense than sensibility but I don't. What about you?" I ask.
"What about me?" He asks.
"Do you play with your heart or your head? Sensibility or sense?" I ask. He didn't answer me, just looked down. I could tell by his expression that he wasn't sure how to answer.
"Do you love me Chandler?" I ask.
"Yes." He answers simply.
"Do you ever wish you wouldn't?" I ask.
"Give me the truth." I say. My mouth speaking faster than my head can think.
"Yeah. My life was easier before I loved anyone. More empty, but easier." Chandler says. I nod.
A nurse came through and called me back. She stopped Chandler at the door.
"Are you family?" She asks.
"Yeah. I'm her..um... I'm her-" He rambled.
"Step brother." I blurt out. I give the nurse a small smile.
She just sighs and takes if back to a room.
"The doctor will be with you in a few minutes." She says before leaving.
Chandler and I just stare at each other for a moment, not sure what to say.
"This is my fault. I'm sorry." He says.
"Don't. It's my fault that we're here. I shouldn't of convinced you to come search for this person." I say. We should just go home. This was a dumb idea.
"Carmin...if I didn't want to come then I wouldn't of. I want you to be safe and happy. And if that means coming all the way out to Michigan then so be it." Chandler says. I smile.
"Chandler I-" I get cut off by the doctor coming into the room. He looks at me and then Chandler.
"Hello I'm Dr. Jenkins and I'll be your doctor. Mind telling me what happened?" The doctor asks looking at Chandler for a reply.
"It's okay I can answer myself. I'm not incompetent." I say, probably seeming rude. I don't think I'm being rude, I just don't need my boyfriend answering for me. Just because I'm a girl doesn't make me dumb.
Chandler is giving me a disapproving look. I just shrug.
"We brake checked the car behind us because they were right on our bumper for a while. When we did I flew forward and hit my head on the dashboard." I explain. I wasn't lying. I'm not going into any details that I don't have to.
The doctor moved my hair out of the way and looked at my head. he wrote something down on his clipboard.
"Well it seems that you'll need stitches. I'll be back in a little bit to get you started." Dr.Jenkins said, leaving.
"Carmin we have to leave... I-I'll take you to another hospital. We have to go." Chandler says seeming pretty fazed.
"What? Why?"
"Do you remember the day you were in the hospital, after your suicide attempt and you got a letter? Yeah when we went home I got on the computer and looked up of anyone had gotten stalked like this, he was on the list! This has to be a trap." He says quickly.
"Honey, there's a lot of people with the name Dr. Je-" I get cut off by him almost yelling.
"They're playing mind games with you Carmin! They know how you'll react to this and that's what they're testing! Show them you know what you're doing!"
I just look down.
A mind game? My brain is already sick. A game for the mentally unwell. How fascinating.
I stare off into space for a while until Dr. Jenkins comes back.
"Ready to begin?" He asks. I nod. Chandler looks terrified.
Dr. Jenkins puts a mask on my face. Laughing gas I suppose.
I feel a little dizzy and then I'm under.
Chandler's pov
I watched as Carmin's eyes began to close. She's probably getting drugged as we know it.
The doctor begins working. I look at Carmin, she's fading in and out of slumber.
The gash runs down from her hairline to the middle of her forehead. She's going to have a pretty nasty scar.
After about an hour, she was done.
"Okay just give her pain killers and the stitches will dissolve by themselves." Dr. Jenkins said.
"Okay thank you." I say with a small smile.
"Oh also you should probably get back on the road soon, this really put a delay on their plan. Good night Mr. Riggs. Tell Carmin I said sweet dreams." He said sliding a letter across the table.
After he left I just slid down the wall and held Carmin's hand. That's all I can do. Just hold Carmin's hand.

Hello, it's me. Your author!
Okay so I think this book is coming to a close :(
If I made a sequel would any of you read it? It will be called Recorded. Also I'm starting a new Carl Grimes fanfic! I will continue to write this story and the sequel once it's published! The story will be called Runners and it will be completely different then this book!
Love you madly xx, Scar

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